
A quick description of the history of Hermetic Kabbalah is available in Robert Fludd's Tree of Life diagram and the Three Books of Cornelius Agrippa. It is interesting to note that several European cathedrals feature statues of kings who are with a crown and other regalia. Christ typically appears in the form of a king, or queen.
The tree of Life
The Tree of Life is a symbol of the centrality in Hermetic Kabbalah, which depicts the genesis of the physical world and man's place within it. Kabbalah believes that consciousness is the fruit of the material world. In the beginning, unlimited energy can be seen as an entity. This is why it is important to have The Tree of Life to the Kabbalah. It is a symbol of wisdom and the way to reach it.
Every Sephiroth is a representation of one of the four components. The Sephiroth can be described as three-dimensional structures. They represent the unity of intelligence with divine substance. Sephiroth are also the evolving energies of Brahman and Lucifer. Each Sefirah has a psychic center in the spinal column of the etheric body also known as a chakra. These centers can be awakened through the cultivation of the sephiroth. Avail inner light and illumination.
The Tree of Life is an amazing symbol, which represents the connection between archetypal ideas. It is a symbol of the connection between the eight limbs of yoga, the 8 chakras, and the eight octaves of the Pythagoras law. Additionally, it has a link