
How Hire A Hacker Pro Became The #1 Online Hacker Service In The World
How Hire A Hacker Pro Became The #1 Online Hacker Service In The World
Have you searched, “hire a hacker” lately? It’s quite the thing, apparently.

Tony Capo, CEO of Hire a Hacker Pro, a conglomerate mothership of hundreds of hire a hacker domains online, shared some exclusive information about how his company went from one of the gang, to the #1 most profitable hire a hacker website in the world.
When you Google: Black Hat Hacker Salary, a few different amounts may pop out at you. Some of the more successful hackers in todays market earn $500k to a million USD anually. If you’re exceptionally good, a few million. Tony Capo has cleared over $12,000,000. Yes. Thats million. The first reaction is, “WTF”, followed by, “I should be a hacker”. Well, this is the part that get’s weird.
The reverse engineers at Hire a Hacker Pro hunt scammers and literally put them out of commission. According to the final count, Hire a Hacker pro has taken over $70 million USD in the past 8 years. “Our favorite victims are Nigerians. They’re dumb as rocks. It’s a mystery to me how anyone can fall for anything those people do, but it happens.” Apparently Nigerians have been stealing from innocent victims for decades. Mostly romance and bank fraud scams.

Hire a hacker pro fields more than 10,000 text messages a month from people all around the world. This is from a strategic SEO system they use that has outsmarted every one of the competitors, rendering them invalid.
“We don’t fight for first position, or even first page anymore. We are smarter than that. Not only is it a waste of time, it’s also a waste of resources”, says Tony, smirking.
Check out the Youtube and feel free to subscribe!
Hire a Hacker Pro is dedicated to remote access device manipulation, reputation management and system penetration. We…
“We operate in plain sight, and noone can even see us. It’s awesome. The people who look for us have already found us, they just don’t know it, and never will. But we see them”.
With all the scams out there it’s hard to trust anyone. We came upon a site called Fake Hackers. They offer an escrow service and list all the known scammers to date tat pretend to be hackers. The site is free to use and offers nothing for sale.
Tony Capo offers his services to mostly larger entities with a budget but also remembers the little people from time to time. You can speak with one of his engineers discreetly and directly on his website. It’s anonymous, obviously.
Tony Capo is going public with it’s own version of cryptocurrency. Mostly to be used as an investment vehicle for supportes of the cause, it’s available now to buy.
Hastags: #tonycapo #hireahacker #hireahackerpro #cyberhacker #python #blackhathacker #blackhat