
Health Benefits of Fasting : Why is it so Important in Ayurveda?
March 9, 2022 by admin Leave a Comment
Fasting also called as Upavasa or Upavasam is a age old practice and is an integral part of many traditions, cultures and even religions. We can observes people doing fasting for different festivals/important days in Hindu culture Be it for Shivaratri, Ekadashi and Muslims does fasting for a period of 1 month for Ramadan every year and Christians during Lent period. Fasting is an important tradition in different cultures and many religions. Even fasting holds a special importance in Ayurveda too.
Fasting in Ayurveda refers to abstinence from chewing, licking, and swallowing food, as well as abstinence from drinking. Upavasa (Sanskrit language) is the term that refers to fasting.
Upavasa (fasting) is not just about refraining from food but includes refraining from all pleasures that kindle the senses. In the Sanskrit language, Upa means near; vasa means reside. Together they mean being near the supreme. Whatever be the faith, proximity to the supreme being is the goal.
Is fasting really that helpful? Are there no side effects? So here are few benefits of fasting and also how to do fasting according to Ayurveda to get the maximum benefit.
Ayurveda: It is believed that fasting has several benefits for the mind and the body. Fasting does not necessarily mean avoiding food. It is a method of cleansing the system with total awareness of food, breath, thoughts and all sensory experiences. Here, when we say awareness of food, it means avoiding food items which are harmful to the system and wisely choosing a diet based on one’s own Prakriti.
Doing fasting the right will help with proper digestion of food and and will remove any impurities which a human accumulated due to improper diet and provide vital energy.
According to Ayurveda, fasting is also part of seasonal routine, including purificatory procedures with certain guidelines. Each season is also characterized by cycles of vata, pitta and kapha. Fasting based on these guidelines during specific seasons will help maintain health and vitality.
Fasting restores vigor of organs which eases the body and mind. Acharya Charaka, one of the pivotal contributors to Ayurveda, states that proper expelling of flatulence, urine, stools, lightness of body, ease in the respiratory tract, an immense hunger and thirst, absence of weakness in body and mind, and the revival of the sense of taste, are indications of a properly observed fast.
Some Important Tips
It is quite common to feel feel weakness and fatigue on the day of fasting, However one will feel more energetic and active from the next day. This is a sign of proper cleansing. Give proper awareness to the digestive system and slowly get back to the normal diet.
Filed Under: Health, Interesting News Tagged With: Ayurveda, Fasting