
Hair Care
How To Protect Your Hair From The Summer Heat
Beach vacations. Pool time. Swimsuits. Ice cream. Long days, short nights, sun rays, warm weather, and school holidays. Summers are always associated with happiness and carefreeness.
The summer is a welcome respite from the previously cold months, but in the UAE the heat can quickly become quite taxing.
Hair Treatment
While we take measures to protect our skin and health by copiously applying sunscreen and chugging water, we often overlook an important part of us that bears the full brunt of the heat. Our Hair.
In the summer, the scorching heat ends up damaging our hair when it's exposed to the harmful UV rays, especially the outer layer of the hair known as the cuticle. Our hair as a result swells up to attract humidity which in turn makes it brittle, dry and frizzy. The stuffy heat can also cause sunburn and dryness of the scalp. Another side effect of the heat is the resulting sweat which causes hairfall and dandruff among other problems. The heat certainly proves to be detrimental to hair and it is important to prioritize effective healthcare to combat this annually. It is crucial to provide your hair with the treatment it requires rather than just over moisturizing which can only lead