Gynecologist in raja park | drpratimapoddar
Gynecologist in raja park | drpratimapoddar
Dr. Partima Poddar is a renowned best gynecologist doctor in Jaipur. Book appointments with expert lady Gynecologist in Raja Park based on your medical condition. Contact us: 9829555566

Gynecologist in raja park

What is Infertility?

When a sexually active couple is unable to get pregnant after more than one year of trying without using any birth control, this medical condition is known as infertility. 3 million couples in the USA are facing the problem of Infertility in which 40% cases are due to female factors, 30% due to male factors, 20% cases related to both and 10% cases are still unknown. best infertility hospital in raja park

 For pregnancy several incidents have to happen such as-

·        Egg must develop in a woman’s ovary.

·        Each month egg has to be released in fallopian tube.

·        A man’s sperm must fertilize the egg.

·        Fertilized egg must be able to move from fallopian tube and get attached to the lining of uterus.

What are the major reasons of Female Infertility?

·        Imbalance of Luteinizing hormone (LH)and Follicle- Stimulating hormone (FSH)

·        Injury in Hypothalamus or Pituitary gland

·        Pituitary tumor

·        Two little or too much bodyweight

·        Thyroid

·        Diabetes

·        Polycystic ovarian syndrome

·        Premature ovarian failure

·        Occasionally Cushing’s syndrome


 Other factors that affect women fertility-

·        Age

·        Problems with reproductive tract

·        Sexually transmitted disease

·        Medical conditions such as sickle cell anemia, HIV, Kidney related disease

·        Smoking and drinking alcohol

·        Consumption of drugs

·        Exposure of fumes, pesticides and radiations



IVF proven to be boon for the women who do not able to conceive. This is the most advanced technique for the treatment of infertility. IVF is the most effective and advanced form of assisted reproductive technology (ART).  best lady doctor in raja park

IVF is offered as primary treatment for infertility in women over age 35 and also for those who are suffering from health conditions such as:

·        Fallopian tube damage or breakage

·        Endometriosis

·        Ovulation disorders

·        Uterine fibroids

·        Genetic disorder

·        Radiation or chemotherapy

·        Unexplained infertility

·        Impaired sperm production

·        Poor mobility of sperms

·        Abnormalities in sperm size and shape


How IVF is performed?

During this procedure mature eggs retrieved from ovaries and fertilized by sperm in laboratory. Then the embryo is transferred to the uterus. A complete cycle of IVF takes around 21 days but sometimes it takes longer for a successful IVF. IVF can be time consuming, expensive and invasive technique. If more then one embryo transfer to the uterus, can results in multiple pregnancies.

Giving birth a healthy baby after IVF depends on various factor such as:

·        Maternal age

·        Embryo status

·        Reproductive history

·        Lifestyle factors


What are the benefits of IVF?

·        Increase the chance of conception

·        In this technique donated eggs and sperms can also be used

·        Increase a chance to having a healthy baby

·        Less time consuming

·        It helps the couples who are unable to conceive  

What are the risks associated with IVF?

IVF is the most effective and successful technique than other reproductive technologies but it also has some risks such as: 

·        Multiple births

·        Premature delivery

·        Low birth weight

·        Miscarriage in rare case

·        Egg retrieval complications

·        Ectopic pregnancy

·        Birth defect

·        Cancer

·        Stress

For more info : best infertility doctor in Jaipur