
The DHL Global Connectedness Index is on track to rise in 2021 as trade in goods surged to above pre-pandemic levels. Now in its tenth year, the DHL Global Connectedness Index report looked at the impact of the pandemic on globalisation by analysing international flows of trade, capital, information, and people.
Globalisation proves resilient during Covid-19 crisis: DHL
The DHL Global Connectedness Index is on track to rise in 2021 as trade in goods surged to above pre-pandemic levels. Now in its tenth year, the DHL Global Connectedness Index report looked at the impact of the pandemic on globalisation by analysing international flows of trade, capital, information, and people.
The key takeaways include:
Globalisation has not given way to regionalisation
Low-income countries lag behind in globalisation recovery; and
Positive relationship between global connectedness and economic prosperity.
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