Global Competitive Analysis of Solar Cell Paste Market
Global Competitive Analysis of Solar Cell Paste Market
The solar cell paste market can be segmented based on type and region. In terms of type, the solar cell paste market can be divided into aluminum (Al) solar cell paste, front-side silver (Ag) solar cell paste, and back-side silver (Ag) solar cell paste.

Solar Cell Paste Market: Overview

 Solarcell paste is a conductive material applied on solar wafer. It consists oforganic and inorganic elements scattered evenly to form a viscous paste. Theorganic component plays the role of carrier, which after evaporation, leaves alayer of inorganic based inks on the solar cell. Inorganic components presentin the paste provide different functions. For instance, Ag (silver) powderadded to paste increases the rate of conductivity of solar cells. The abilityto customize the content of solar cell paste can enhance features such asadhesion strength, better line conductivity, better aspect ratio, and bettermanufacturing processing phase window.

Theapplication of solar cell paste to the solar cell certainly improves featuresof the solar cell. The improvements directly do not increase the efficiency ofelectrical current transfer, but improves the overall operation of the solarcell. Generally, the use of silver solar cell paste leads to an increase inefficiency in range of 0.2%-0.4% over standard monocrystalline silicon solarcell paste. Thin film solar cells, such as copper indium gallium selenide(CIGS) and cadmium telluride (CdTe), have low efficiency compared tomonocrystalline solar cells. The efficiency of thin film solar cell can beincreased by using solar cell paste.

Solar Cell Paste Market: Key Segmentation

The solarcell paste market can be segmented based on type and region. In termsof type, the solar cell paste market can be divided into aluminum (Al) solarcell paste, front-side silver (Ag) solar cell paste, and back-side silver (Ag)solar cell paste. The aluminum (Al) solar cell paste is applied on the rearside of the solar cell which helps make a uniform, high quality back surfacefield for single and multi-crystalline solar cells. Uniform back surface fieldand good adhesion of the solar wafer yields better efficiency than othercommercially available solar paste. Aluminum solar cell paste delivers lowbowing, excellent efficiency, high material compatibility, and better adhesion.The formulation of the paste can also be customized.

Silversolar cell paste is divided into front side and back side. Front side silversolar paste is ideal for lightly doped emitter design. It offers fine lineresolution and good aspect ratio. Front side silver solar paste has highadhesion capacity and high soldering capacity. It captures high efficiency andhas wider processing window. The paste is used in a wide range of sheet emitterwafers. Back side silver solar paste offers good soldering capacity and lowersmaterial consumption in solar PV cell manufacturing. The paste has highcompatibility with silicone wafer, high adhesion, and is co-firable with frontsilver paste and back aluminum paste.


Solar Cell Paste Market: Regional Outlook

Based onregion, the global solar cell paste market can be segregated into NorthAmerica, Europe, Latin America, Middle East & Africa, and Asia Pacific.Asia Pacific is projected to lead the global solar cell paste market during theforecast period, as the investment in solar power is increasing in China andIndia.  The solar cell paste market in North America and Europe is likelyto expand at a rapid pace during the forecast period. Latin America and MiddleEast & Africa are expected to hold moderate share of the global solar cellpaste market during the forecast period.

Solar Cell Paste Market: Key Players

Keyplayers operating in the solar cell paste market include DuPont, HeraeusHolding, NORITAKE CO., LIMITED, Giga Solar Materials Corp., NAMICSCORPORATION., Dongjin Semichem Co., Ltd., Targray, and Daejoo ElectronicMaterials.

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