
These games gave an opportunity for the gamers to earn through NFT gaming marketplaces, rewarding through completing tasks or winning matches and whatnot. Axie Infinity is one of the popular P2E games that is bringing the gaming community together. People started earning so much that they even left their daily jobs to play these games. What is making these gamers get into these P2E games?
Function or Fun?
Games are always meant for fun. With P2E, it is also meant for earning too. What is making these gamers get into these games? Is it the way they function or the fun element they have? This is one question that decides the success of a gaming platform. Gone are the days when games are seen as a mode of entertainment. From passive income to earning mainstream, the gaming industry has taken a step forward to the next generation of gaming.
Standing in the shoes of a gamer, it is indeed the fun and thrill element that is the crucial element for a game to sustain. Once the game loses its cool, a gamer will never get back to it even if the game is updated.
Today these Play-to-earn NFT games attract not only gamers but also NFT enthusiasts into this stream. The concept of web3 in gaming is making people get into these NFT gaming platforms.
Despite the crash and other technical issues that are happening around many popular games, these NFT gaming platforms recorded the highest number of active wallets even during the crypto crash. This clearly indicates that if the functioning of these platforms is stable, with proper tokenomics, gameplay, and rewarding mechanism, the game is all set to survive the worst-case scenarios of the crypto market.
The bottom line
Both Function and fun are indeed crucial for an NFT gaming platform. Since these platforms are inviting a lot of crypto enthusiasts into gaming, they stress the importance of functionality and a stable rewarding mechanism. The fun element should also be given importance since it is not games when there is no entertainment.