
An RFID tag that communicates data using radiofrequency (RF) energy rather than a microchip transponder is known as a chipless RFID. Instead of a silicone microchip, some chipless tags use conductive polymers or plastics. These chipless tags are digitally recorded and have a one-millimeter working range. Additionally, Chipless RFID Market tags contain attributes like the banknote's magnetically encoded stripe, individual signature, and microwave reflecting fibre. e-passport, financial cards, and item-level tagging are the main applications for these tags. For asset tracking, smart tickets, anti-counterfeiting, animal tracking, air baggage, and big volume secure documents, chipless RFID tags are utilised.
Low frequency (LF), high frequency (HF), and ultra-high frequency (UHF) RFID tags can be divided into these three groups based on the frequency bands they employ to transmit data (UHF). In general, the read range and data read rate of an RFID system are shortened and slower the lower the frequency of the system is.
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