
Five Steps to Cultivating Your Relationship With the Holy Spirit
Choice and Supply:
Can you maybe not then be the foundation since you are the one creating the choice to think? You don't remember that unique divorce; but, you're creating possibilities now, and you are doing this all the time. Every time you're choosing between thoughts, emotions and ideas, etc. If it isn't you, then who do you wish to declare is responsible? Be mindful, because claiming still another is responsible is really blame and you have number energy to change as long as you think another is in charge. You are only making your self a victim. These two are vanity tricks.
Taking obligation for everything, including decision and their consequences could be the fastest solution to change. This allows you to pick again because you will see the outcomes and realize that you'll want plumped for in error. It's your ideas and values combined with decision, or decision, to create them correct that becomes the aftereffect of that which you see in your world. The Legislation of Trigger and Impact is simple: According to the mind you pick from, as cause, you will see the equivalent effect.
So long as as you have a separate brain, you're continually picking between the incorrect brain of the pride (error) and the Right Mind of the Holy Nature (correction). You will dsicover the consequence depending on the selection of mind you use as cause. You cannot have two masters. In the ego world, it is always one or the other. Choosing the correction of the Holy Nature undoes the problem of the vanity and earnings your head to the peace of God. This method can be known as forgiveness what is a course in miracles.
Choice for Correction:
Forgiveness is simply your brain being returned, or adjusted, back to the Truth because you select because of it to be that way. Handing over the ego's judgments fixes the mind and modification is what? Forgiveness. A different trigger effects in a different effect.
Choice is, thus, necessary in that illusion since there is something to select between. But, the best usage of choice is offered by knowing both the mistake and correction sides of the separate mind, or everything you are selecting between. Then, merely remember that the aim is to go back your head to True Notion and pick again! It will also help keep in mind the coinciding terms for True Notion: Correction, forgiveness, salvation, atonement, truth, Sacred Heart and God. There's no difference.