
Fibromyalgia is a painful condition, which results in widespread pain across your body. It can also cause you to become more fatigued. Because of the pain, you might find it harder to get to sleep at night. Sometimes, the symptoms can occur because of surgery. At other times, the pain will develop over time, getting gradually worse. Unfortunately, there is no cure. Though the pain won’t get any worse, it won’t go away. Because of this, finding the right treatment for fibromyalgia pain is important. Let’s look at some of the options that you can explore.
Many doctors will prescribe a medication to help you deal with the pain. This can sometimes be a pain killer. Often, an over-the-counter painkiller can be helpful. Though you should avoid taking opioids. These can be very addictive.
Physical Therapy
One of the best support mechanisms for those who fibromyalgia is physical therapy. These will help you improve the range of your muscle motion. Often, your program will be tailored to suit your needs. Generally, physical therapy will include a discussion on how you can learn to manage the pain of fibromyalgia by yourself. This can include techniques like deep breathing and meditation.
There are a few types of physical exercise that are most popular for those with fibromyalgia. First, water activities like swimming can be a great choice. Another good option is yoga. Pick a class that focuses on slower movement and breathing. You might also want to try running or get a home cycling machine.
Occupational Therapy
Treatments for fibromyalgia extend to the workplace. Often, there will be a few components to occupational therapy. First, they will be able to look at your work. They can give you some tips to help you manage pain while working. For example, you might want to adjust the motions that you are making. They will also be able to head into the office to look at the type of environment you have. For example, they can help you adjust your workspace to make it easier for you to do your job.
Counseling Support
Treatment of fibromyalgia doesn’t just mean treating the physical pain. It also extends to your mental health. Living with chronic pain can often lead to conditions like depression or anxiety. Through counseling, you will be able to talk to someone who understands what you are going through. They can also prescribe medications, like anti-depressants, to help you manage the emotional aspects of this condition. Furthermore, counselors will be able to teach you some techniques to deal with the pain.
Fibromyalgia can be a difficult condition to live with. Sadly, those who have it will experience chronic pain for the rest of their life. While there is no cure, you will be able to find a range of treatment options to lower the amount of pain you are experiencing. Generally, it’s best to explore a range of treatment options for fibromyalgia to find which one works best for you.