
Vilnius - An expert panel has unanimously ruledthat the planned construction of a conference centre in Vilnius, Lithuania isillegal. The panel consisted of some of the world’s foremost authorities inJewish law (including Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky) and secular leaders from across the globe.
Separately, a legal expert on HumanRights, Mr. Darius Butkus, said that the plan to construct the conference centreon the cemetery is a violation of the Geneva Convention and EU Charter of Human Rights.
“The Lithuanian government would be hardpressed to go ahead with their plans,” said Butkus. If they did, there would acompelling case for the European Union to sanction Lithuania. The economicconsequences would be quite profound.”
Rabbi Elchonon Baron, an activist lobbying for the termination of the plannedconference centre said that Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky’s ruling isconsistent with one of the world’s greatest Jewish Halachic authority on thematter, the Minchas Yitzchak of blessed memory, who ruled that the sanctity ofa cemetery continues, even after remains from the deceased have been removed.Rabbi Baron said: “No one disputes or argues with the ruling. There will be noconference centre,” he said emphatically. “It’s not up for negotiation.”
President Gitanas Nauseda’s recent statementemphasizing the importance for Lithuanians to embrace greater respect, dialogueand mutual trust, augers well for the probability that a settlement can bereached in this controversy.
The Lithuanian Post’s decision to issue aspecial stamp to mark the 300th birth anniversary of the Vilna (Vilnius) Gaon would also appear tobe in line with the government’s sentiments to preserve and respect Jewishculture. The begging question which many in the Jewish community areasking is, “Will authorities walk the talk?”
Previous commitments by theLithuanian government and a statement byVilnius City Mayor, Remigijus Šimašius to uphold the preservation ofJewish culture and maintain respect for the Jewish religion, is a welcomeindication that there is hope that the plan forthe conference center, will be scrapped.
A poll conducted by an independentnews agency, indicated that most Lithuanians are opposed to the construction of theconference centre on the cemetery.
Dr. Mathew Anthony Harper, a pressspokesman for Christian Networks indicated that Evangelicals would boycott Lithuanian tourism,if the plan to construct the conference centre goes ahead. Evangelicals arerepresented by an estimated 1 billion in number. A boycott would have asignificant impact on the tourist industry in Lithuaniaand result in the loss of thousands of jobs forLithuanians.
Separately, the White House slammed the Lithuanian government’s planto construct a conference centre on a Jewish cemetery in Vilnius. PresidentDonald Trump has been a strong advocate opposing the desecration of cemeteriesand recently signed an executive order on combatting anti-semitism.
Activists who are familiar with thesaga, remain cautiously optimistic that desecration of the historical cemetery,in which family of the Vilna Gaon and other Giants of the Torah World areburied, can be avoided.
Pieter Muller
Human Rights WorldMonitor