
Ever thought of what exactly doesE-numbers represent, when we have a glance at the list ofingredients used in that specific product, maybe Lays? Let discuss in detail.
E-numbers, also commonly known as“European Numbers,” is a labelling action introduced by the “European FoodSafety Authority,” (EFSA) in the early 1970s to mark a specific product as safefor consumption; it generally replaces the name of a preservative, additive, orchemical name.
A large number of consumers oftenget worried about whether the ingredients used in the product might not haveadverse effects on health, so the EU setup the said organization to satisfy theconsumers.
There are a total of 27 countrieswithin the EU till date, with the inclusion of Germany, Denmark, Italy, andSpain.
Single Benefit toManufacturer:
If you’re a manufacturer, thesingle biggest benefit of having EFSA label at the back of your product packetmight actually increase your sales; as consumers are now becoming moredetail-oriented, they will definitely choose products that are health-friendly.
Various examples:
According to researches carriedout by chemical experts, there are certain categories for which E-numbers are normallythere. The following numbers are found within European borders. Apart fromthis, there is a country in which ‘E’ is omitted and only number is written,and that’s none other than Australia.
An edible high in antioxidantsare meant to be healthy when consumed; fruits and vegetables are the main typesof consumptions that contain antioxidants.
The E-number associated with thesaid ones generally lie between 300 and 399; if the maker is selling tomatosauce, this signals that the product contains Vitamin C, which is a type ofantioxidant. Therefore, if there’s E-321, or maybe E-456 written, you should beaware of the fact that the said range contains Vitamin C.
Similarly, let’s talk aboutpreservatives. For those of you who might not know what preservatives are, theyare special substances that minimizes microorganisms’ growth and prevents theproduct from decaying, which makes it futile. Beverages, processed foods, paintboxes, body sprays, and even medications contain preservatives. The E-numberfor the said chemical ranges from 200 till 299. For instance, you head over tothe supermarket to buy a frozen packet of meat, you might see E-298, or maybeE-253 labelled, or you are in need of a Coca-Cola, you will visualize variousnumbers, E-222 or E-278, E-277 or E-230; there’s nothing to be frighten about.
Likewise, let’s talk aboutsweeteners; like cookies, ice-creams, pancakes, and birthday cakes cannot beprepared without sugar, given that a high intake of sugar increases blood sugarlevels, so what to do now?
Thus, a vast number ofconfectionaries are actively investing in sweeteners and softness of theproduct; sucralose and fructose syrup are commonly use worldwide to replaceharmful sugar. The E-number for the said category varies from 700-999, limitingto European customers.
The above information could beuse by an individual to better select a product according to your health.
Conclusively, E-numbers are not asymbol of harm to your body. Instead, they replace the name of a specificchemical with a number, so that the EFSA can easily track their data by simplyentering a number rather than full name.
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