
According to SimilarWeb, web analytics site, WhatsApp has the highest downloads in the messaging category in 150 countries. Analytics Website, Statista, reported that it has 2 billion users all over the world. The same website suggests that the number will rise to 2.5 billion by 2021. In order to develop a popular messaging WhatsApp clone, there are some attractive features to consider. Here is the list of essential features that ought to be part of the instant messaging app:
Messaging status: There are simple indicators that show the current status of the messages. Single tick means send not yet received by recipient; double tick means send & received by receiver; blue tick means read by the recipient.
Messages types: The popular app supports various types of messages such as text messages, media files ( while includes images, document, pdf, etc.) and contacts, so on.
Encryption: The messages are protected by end-to-end encryption, so third parties cannot hack the information stored.
Webcast: Apart from viewing the messages through smartphones, users can scan the QR code cast the app to the website. This site mirror app can be accessed as long as there is mobile as an internet connection.
Backup storage: People can store the data in cloud storage and retrieve the messages when they reinstall the app or shift to a new number.
Star messages: Users can star important messages; this starred chat will not be deleted when chats are deleted as a whole using select all options. But when the particular chat or media file is clicked and deleted, it will be deleted.
Consider the above-mentioned features during WhatsApp clone app development as they are one's users look out for. Entrepreneurs can also take the easier and viable of getting clone app from reputed companies like Appdupe.