Dog Trainer Long Island NY
Dog Trainer Long Island NY
As a New York State certified teacher with a Master's degree in Special Education, I have made a career of educating others. However, along with being an educator of young children, I am also an educator of dogs and the humans that own them. I am a trainer and an expert in dog behavior, so I specialize in correcting and modifying unwanted or problematic behaviors, as well as obedience training.

Dog Trainer Long Island NY  - As a New York State certified teacherwith a Master's degree in Special Education, I have made a career of educatingothers. However, along with being an educator of young children, I am also aneducator of dogs and the humans that own them. I am a trainer and an expert indog behavior, so I specialize in correcting and modifying unwanted orproblematic behaviors, as well as obedience training.