Does Your Clinic Need a HIPAA Compliant Chat?
Does Your Clinic Need a HIPAA Compliant Chat?
HIPAA is a mandatory standard for the medical industry. In simple terms, all the communication tools that your company uses must secure the personal data of your patients.

Why Is HIPAA Software Important?

HIPAA is a mandatory standard for the medical industry. In simple terms, all the communication tools that your company uses must secure the personal data of your patients. So, HIPAA software meets all the requirements of this standard. And provides your clinic with an increased level of cybersecurity. Besides the benefits of your patients, your clinic will also have some benefits from using tools like a HIPAA compliant chat. 

• Company security. You need to understand that not only the data of your clients is in danger. The information about your company could also be stolen. So, if you do not want the risk of having all the money in the company’s account disappear, you need proper protection. And a CRM that provides you with this type of security is mandatory to ensure that hackers will not succeed in harming your clinic. Do not underestimate the importance of cybersecurity in your clinic. The danger is there, and you want to prevent it as much as possible. 
• Marketing potential. The second benefit that your clinic can get from HIPAA software is marketing. Nowadays, more and more people are worried about their personal information being misused or stolen. So, you can market the high level of security of your clinic and convince more people to choose you when they need medical services. Doing this will increase the conversion rate of your marketing methods.

There are 2 types of software that need to be HIPAA compliant. The first one is the software for external use, while the second one is the software for internal use, a HIPAA compliant chat. In both cases, the personal information of your clients will be transferred from a place to another one. So, you need to ensure that these transfers and the stocked data are secured at all times.

The HIPAA Software for External Use!

A reliable medical CRM must be able to take care of both internal and external communication. For example, a white label portal for your clinic that your patients can use. But it must be a  HIPAA software  because the personal information of your patients will be uploaded there. There are 3 benefits that you will get from this type of software. 

• Fast access to information. Both your staff and your patients will be able to access their information in the shortest amount of time possible through a HIPAA compliant chat. This will allow your medics to be prepared for every appointment. And they won't waste time checking the past information of the patient during the meetings. This means that your clinic will benefit from an increase in efficiency and a higher level of service quality. And your clinic’s patients will not waste their time in the appointments. They will be treated as fast as possible, and their problem will be solved in the shortest time. 
• Digital documentation. One of the most frustrating parts for a patient is the document signing that they have to do at almost every medical visit. And sometimes, when they need to go from the clinic to other places to gather documents. Both the signing and the transfer of the documents can be done online through the HIPAA software. And the patient can save a lot of time and not be bothered because of them. Your patients will only need to come to your clinic once to solve their problem without wasting time making trips from an institution to another one. 
• Patient loyalty. Using a white label portal from a medical CRM will surely increase your patients’ loyalty. Why? Because this tool provides them with convenience, and it will be very difficult for them to transfer to another clinic that does not provide the same level of convenience. But for this to be true, the quality of the services offered by your clinic must be the highest possible. Otherwise, your patients will give up on convenience because of the low quality of the services. So, the better your staff is, the more benefits you will get from using reliable medical CRM.

The HIPAA Compliant Chat for Your Staff!

The second type of tool that a reliable medical CRM must be able to provide is a  HIPAA compliant chat . This type of tool is used by your staff to automate and streamline most of the communications in your clinic. But because your staff will work with the personal information and documents from the patients, you need to ensure that the chat meets the requirements imposed by the HIPAA standard. Your staff can use the chat to transfer information about patients from one to another. There are 2 benefits that you can expect from this type of tool. 

• Increased efficiency. The efficiency of your staff will increase exponentially. The receptionists can instantly send all the information about a patient to the doctors, which can check it before the appointment. Also, doctors can share information between themselves. The saved time will allow every one of your doctors to take care of a higher number of patients each day. And the revenue and profits of your clinic will increase at the same rate. So, your clinic will be able to grow much faster than before. Nowadays, this type of tool is almost mandatory in any medical institution that wants to remain competitive. 
• Service quality improvement. The second benefit that you can expect from a HIPAA compliant chat is an increase in the quality of the services provided by your staff. Firstly, the doctors will already have a lot of knowledge about the patients even before they come to the appointment. This will make the patients feel that your clinic cares about them, and they will be willing to come again when the need arises. And secondly, having complete information about a patient’s past will make it much easier for your staff to find and solve their problems. The more information they have, the better the conclusion that they make, and the better the treatment that they can provide.