
Hairs grow and fall as a normal hair growthcycle. if everything is OK with this cycle, you will see the optimum hairgrowth and healthy hairs on the scalp. But, when hair growth is disturbed dueto certain reasons, your precious hairs start to fall quickly. In this case,you need to see a HairTransplant Surgeon in Ahmedabad. In the case you ignore visiting a hairrestoration clinic, hair thinning and hair loss takes a more severe form tomake your scalp completely bald.
We are sure youwould not like to live with a bald scalp. But, if the nature of hair loss isgenetic, you have no unlimited options to cope with unfavorable conditions.
Therefore, wehave made this blog to help you know some basic things about hair loss and itstreatments.
What is Hair Loss?
Hair lossoccurs when hairs get weaker and start to fall due to certain reasons likestress, unbalanced diet, hair products, illness, genetic and hormonal reasons,seasonal effects etc.
These reasonsaffect the natural hair growth cycle. As a result, hair follicles die and nevergrow the hairs again. Initial signs of hair loss are severe hair thinning andhair loss. If your genes are also involved in hair loss, it is calledandrogenic alopecia or male pattern baldness.
Male Pattern Baldness: A CommonCulprit
Male patternbaldness is a common type of hair loss. This is a hereditary disease and can berecognized with the help of a common pattern. as this problem progresses, itcauses the hairline to recede at a steady speed. Moreover, the temple areaalong with the crown region also starts to lose hairs gradually. As a result, alarge bald area is formed on the scalp except for a sparse layer of hair on theback and both sides.
What Can You Do To Treat MalePattern Baldness?
First of all,you have to visit a reliable hair restoration clinic for initial checkup anddiagnosis. After the surgeon has diagnosed your problem clearly, he may startthe hair loss treatment.
In the case ofmale pattern baldness, usually, three approaches are used to prevent theproblem: medication, non-surgical, and surgical.
If the conditions are mild or it is just thestart of baldness, hair restoration doctors may prescribe medications likePropecia or Minoxidil to prevent the hair loss. However, these medicationsprevent hair loss until the patient takes the medicines regularly.
Non-Surgical Treatment:
PRP hair losstreatment is a non-surgical treatment that is used to nourish the hairfollicles that are still present on the scalp. However, its effects on the baldscalp are limited.
Surgical Treatment:
A hairtransplant is a surgical treatment that is applied to replace the hairfollicles from one place to the recipient areas. Usually, the donor areas arethe back and sides of the head. The patient’s own real hairs are used in thistreatment. Therefore, the look is quite natural after the surgery.
You can visitthe Avenues clinic for proper hair loss treatment. If you are a victim ofgenetic hair loss, the treatment is possible at a reasonable HairTransplant Cost in India. For the treatment, you have to fix a meetingwith the Avenues’ hair loss experts.