
MPSC conducts recruitment for the Top level State government services via the State Service Examination.
Every year the MPSC State service prelims is held in April. The notification comes around First week of December. The exam is a tough exam due to many factual questions being asked in it unlike UPSC. The exam is also tough for non Marathi candidates and English medium candidates.
State service exam can’t be a backup for UPSC as though the portion is similar the nature of questions asked are different. This means that cut off of MPSC prelim is lower. The aptitude paper isn’t a qualifying paper unlike CSAT.
There are no optional papers in MPSC and also Ethics isn’t a part of the syllabus. Mains papers on General studies are MCQ type unlike descriptive type in UPSC CSE.
Ideal strategy:
MPSC has the following subjects for preparation:
Mains examination:
Preparation for mains can start after prelims is over without waiting for the result. Mains paper are with a focus on Maharashtrian culture and other aspects of the State. Books to be referred for would be from YCMOU / IGNOU / BA / MA books from State universities.
MPSC conducts recruitment for the Top level Central government services via the Civil Service Examination.
The exam has three parts:
PART I: Objective type Preliminary test.
Paper I – (200 marks)
Paper II – (200 marks)
Note 1 : Questions relating to Marathi and English Language Comprehension skill of Class X/XII level (last item in the Syllabus of Paper II) will be tested through passages from Marathi and English language without providing cross translation thereof in the question paper.
Note 2 : The questions will be of multiple choice, objective type.