
CloudVirtual Private Network (VPN) is a type of VPN that operates on a cloud-basednetwork infrastructure, which is also sometimes referred to hosted VPN or VPNas a service (VPNaaS). Cloud VPN provides a global VPN access to end usersincluding its subscribers and third-party users over public internet. A VPN ismostly meant to permit a user, a connection to the internet over a server runby an enterprise. As most of the data or information on the server is encryptedfor privacy, a cloud VPN can provide a secure access over the internet forusing the private network through the virtual environment. In this report,MarketsandMarkets expects the cloud VPN market size to grow from USD 3.25 Billionin 2017 to USD 8.78 Billion by 2022, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of22.0%.
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Keyplayers in the cloud VPN market include Cisco Systems (US), Microsoft (US),Google (US), NCP engineering (Germany), Huawei (China), Robustel (China),Oracle (US), Contemporary Controls (US), Virtela (US), Singtel (Singapore), andCohesive Networks (US). These players have adopted various strategies, such aspartnerships, collaborations, agreements, mergers and acquisitions, and newproduct launches, to achieve growth in the global cloud VPN market.
CiscoSystems is among the leading players in the cloud VPN market. The fundamentalobjective of the company is to meet a client’s requirements and provide newadvancements in cloud VPN. The company serves clients across variousindustries, such as government, Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance (BFSI),retail, healthcare, automotive, manufacturing, IT and telecom, and aerospaceand defense. The company has its major presence in North America, Europe, andAsia Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa (MEA), and Latin America.
CiscoSystems is one of the leading providers of cloud VPN solutions and services.The company operates through various business segments, such as switching;Next-Generation Network (NGN) routing; collaboration; data center; wireless;service provider video; security; and other products. The organization followsboth organic and inorganic growth strategies for expansion of its marketshares. For instance, in June 2017, Cisco launched the Cisco Virtual ManagedServices 3.0 Cloud VPN Service Pack v1, a cloud solution that enables customersto develop secure private network in the cloud. Similarly, in March 2015, thecompany collaborated with Deutsche Telekom and launched Deutsche Telekom’sCloud VPN service in Croatia, Hungary, and Slovakia.
Huaweiis another leading provider of cloud VPN software and services to variousverticals across the globe. The company has a significant presence in manycountries and primarily serves China, EMEA, APAC, and the Americas. Huawei’slong-term strategy includes both organic and inorganic growth strategies, whereit launches new cloud VPN solutions and enhances its capabilities throughacquisitions of strong companies. For instance, in February 2017, the companylaunched the Cloud EPN solution for interconnection of networks in enterprises.EPN supports SD-WAN and Cloud VPN. In November 2016, Huawei launched the newCloudVPN Integration Service solution. This solution overcomes thedisadvantages associated with enterprise-leased line services. It also includesa variety of VAS. In December 2016, Huawei acquired 2 companies: Toga Networksand HexaTier. These acquisitions has enhanced Huawei’s network portfolio withsecurity solutions. These developments helped the company to enhance itscapabilities as well as gain a significant market share in the global cloud VPNmarket.
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