
Clothes and health – Find out what’s healthy and what is not!
Clothing is essential for all. A few people put a lot of thought into what they wear while a few don’t. It is subject to choice and affordability. Whatever it is whoever you are! Take it from me-comfortable and hygienic clothing must top the priority as it has a direct impact on your health.
This blog will answer all your doubts and questions you have regarding clothes and their effect on your health.
To start, is wearing black clothes bad for your health?
I am not going to beat around the bush here! Nope, black clothes cause no harm to your health. However, wearing black clothes in summer is not recommended as black absorbs heat from the Sun, making you feel boiling. The color has nothing to do with your health. In fact, black makes people look thin and it accentuates the curves. So think twice the next time you want to slay in black.
Is wearing polyester unhealthy?
Yes. It is terrible for your skin. If you are living in a very cold place, it might be okay to wear polyester clothes once in a while. Polyester does not let your skin breathe. People who sweat more may just forget to wear polyester because it does not absorb sweat and ends up irritating your skin and making you smell. It raises your body temperature too. And to answer if polyester can cause cancer, it depends on what goes into the piece of clothing. There are a few polyester clothes that are fine and there some with harmful toxins and carcinogens. We all know that our skin is porous and when sweat and the chemicals from the fabric interact, there are chances for the toxic chemicals to enter your skin. In fact, even rayon fabric emits toxic elements that are unhealthy to you. For a few people, it may cause vomiting and headache. Fast fashion uses polyester and rayon a lot, and fast fashion is highly polluting too.
So what fabric should I choose? Cotton and wool can be worn in summer and winter, respectively, as they are suitable for the climate. Organic clothing is free of harmful chemicals. If you want to be sustainable and eco-friendly, then organic clothing is the way to go. They are soft and durable. For babies, especially, you can use baby dresses, and muslin wraps that are made of organic cotton as their skin is delicate. Ensure the product is certified by a credible organization as many people are out there trying to scam by selling products that are not organic for a lower price. Let’s accept; organic products are a bit expensive because it is generally not mass-produced and it takes a lot of expenses to make organic products. There are different certifications, including GOTS, APEDA, and more. For example, Tiny Twig is a brand that offers GOTS certified organic clothes for babies under two years.
Are thongs unhealthy?
Yes. As much as it is an attractive choice, it has a few attractive health issues. IT can cause discomfort, rashes, and irritation as it constantly rubs your skin. The bacteria from the behind can get in touch with your vagina as thongs easily slip. It is recommended to go for underwear that covers more than what a thong dies as it reduces the risks of infection.
What are the health benefits of sleeping without clothing?
There are a few benefits of sleeping without clothing including
Better air circulation: Air circulation is vital for a good night’s sleep. Sleeping without clothing will help you receive better air circulation.
Better blood circulation: If you wear tight clothes to sleep, it will limit the blood supply. Wherever there is tightness when you sleep in a different position, that part of the body will not have proper circulation which may result in pain in that part when you wake up.
Feel cool and get adequate sleep – Wearing clothes may make you feel hot, and when you feel hot, you may not sleep well.
Good genital health: Bacteria grow exponentially on moist surfaces. As clothes or underwear absorb sweat, it retains the moisture and enables bacteria growth. When you sleep without clothing, the sweat may dry off quickly.
However, you may feel too cold when you sleep without any clothing. You may consider changing your bedspreads and pillow covers often if you sleep without clothing.
In general, avoid shapewear, clothes that have leaking dyes, tight-fitting clothes, and rough fabrics. Always wear hygienic clothes that are comfortable and suitable for the weather, especially your innerwear. There is nothing cooler than that!
I hope I answered the most asked questions related to clothing and health. If you have any, please feel free to put your question in the comments.
Healthlifenews was created to serve people that seek the right treatment for various concerns that exist with their health.