
Instacart like app development has to undergo some major challenges in its business model to accommodate the changing requirements. Here are some of the major changes to be undergone in the business model:
Contactless delivery: People are on the lookout for safer means of delivery amidst the COVID-19. Customers can buy the products without any hesitation using the grocery delivery apps. There must be a mechanism to alert customers to delivery so that they can place the basket on their doorstep.
Supply chain management: Grocery delivery apps have never witnessed this kind of demand in their applications. They have to manage their supply chain more efficiently so that customers demand can more diligently meet the requirements using the grocery delivery apps. The business analytics team can research the sales growth and order products as per it.
Delay in delivery: Customers cannot go out freely as in usual times, due to the fear of contracting the deadly virus. As per the capacity, the delivery slots can be assigned for customers so that they can manage more efficiently.
Less labor: Due to the social distancing norms and other fear of contraction of the virus the number of people employed in supermarkets and delivery executives is significantly reduced. Before deploying the grocery delivery apps, these factors are to be taken into account to offer seamless delivery for customers. Popular grocery delivery apps have partnered with logistics companies for quick delivery.
The above mentioned are some of the main factors that are to be considered during grocery delivery app development. Partner with reputed app development companies like Appdupe and the task of Instacart clone app development can be easily achieved.