Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) Help In Managed IT Services?
Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) Help In Managed IT Services?
IT managed services are the conduit to agile, efficient and quick processing. It covers designing a network, installing, updating and optimizing the pan network and data management. With it, the organisation can cut on hefty loss and over-expenditure as it can heal the patches in the network timely and even, authenticate the access every time.

Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) Help In Managed IT Services?

What if the AI wins a prominent place in your life? Of course, you can’t rely fully on Google’s Home or Amazon’s Siri. It’s just because of its limited abilities.  There is another version of this intelligence. It’s the humanization of machines.Definitely, it’s a matter for fear. An exaggerated intelligence can make them so aggressive that they can clone the Agent Smith (of a Hollywood block busterThe Matrix). If so happens, the humanity should be ready to face off a massive disaster.

Today, the machines are not as powerful as depicted in the iRobot or The Matrix. However, the scientists are consistently working in this direction. The only motto that drives them is to eliminate complexities & threats to the progressive development. Therefore, many businesses are hooked to the AI for inserting efficiency, effectiveness, faster turnaround time, better customer service, cost-cutting and so on.       

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Those who have viewed Hollywood movies, like Star Wars, The Matrix Reloaded, Terminator, I Robot and so on, would find this topic a Household name. It’s very close imitation of a human’s perception, as feeling,thinking & watching.

When a machine is equipped with the intelligence as of the human being, it seems ready to disrupt transportation, healthcare, finance and other industries. This kind of logical brainstorming and response of the machine is known as the Artificial Intelligence.  However, digitization has already stormed into every niche. This kind of super intelligence has started empowering it more than ever. If it’s a vital cell to provide information, the managed IT services are its conduit.This conduit is tunneling digital connections.

If you’re incomprehensible to the prominence of these services,go through this list of the popular ones:

·        Information services (Software development,maintenance and support, Authentication, System management, Backups &Recovery, Data Storage, warehouse & management, Networking, its monitoring and security, Human resources and Payroll)

·        Business to Business Integration (Logistics,internet, video-conferencing, smart office and supply chain)

·        Transportation (Daily transportation &process execution)

·        Marketing (Marketing planning & advertising)

·        Media (System operation & support services,broadcast managed services)

How Do Managed IT Services Work?

In merger with the intelligence of machines, the aforementioned services can cut down expenditure exponentially. Thereby, the rate of revenue shoots up at an accelerated pace. Around 67% companies deploy managed IT service providers for frictionless network and IT operations via Cloud for IT services management. This is how they manage to tap all benefits of IT experts at nil cost remotely.  

Let’s have a look into how this miracle happens: 

·        Design architecture:

A well planned strategic system management epitomizes the best network design ever. This kind of innovation results in 8X more engagement of the employees. Its architecture embraces all ins and outs of what the business insight states. Be it about the network requirement, data management,or IT security, it comprises end-to-end services of the pan organization.  

·        Install:

More than 73% of the organizations worldwide faced off uninformed barriers while using obsolete methods. Consequently, an overall loss of $ 70, 000, 000 was registered. Its root cause was approx. 7.5 hours downtime per year in the cloud services.

Timely disruption of AI based cloud services would definitely terminate this network problem. This hyper-intelligence based networking can compute the probability of operation’s interruption. It helps instreamlining the pan infrastructure for promoting a stable and reliable network that has the maximum recoverability.       

·        Update:

An ideal IT Infrastructure consists of antivirus, security,business continuity, backup and disaster management.  If the machine intelligence is designated to look into its agility and regularity, the chances to meet hassles would be minimal. The pros of IT infrastructure management can provide a hacking free network with intense streaming of access and data. The operational managers encountered a big blow to their performance due to lapses in the offbeat IT infrastructure.  Around 90% of such managers turn a blind eye to the potential threats. Even they miss the priceless data due to missing timely alerts of hacking. 

But the equipment infused with the AI can auto-update. Even,you don’t need to heed it as it auto updates the network without manual interference.  

·        Optimize

A machine is capable to outperform. One machine is able to accomplish the task of hundreds of people. But sans optimization, the operating system and network would exhaust. Thereby, their functionality detects multiple problems.       

The artificial sensibility of machines can manage all IT services dexterously. They can put the credentials of the professionals under robust & fully secure architecture automatically. Later, only anauthoritative person can unlock it with the assigned key.  Also, the streamlining of data architecture would be a piece of the meal. This is how the organizations don’t miss the real time data management service sperformance. With the least of manual efforts & interception,end-to-end data processing can be done.