Boost the immune system after a snake bite with anti-venoms
Boost the immune system after a snake bite with anti-venoms
Anti-venom Market

Antivenoms function by enhancing our body's immune reaction to a snakebite. They are created by injecting snake venom into donor animals like sheep or horses.

Snake antivenom is the concentrated enzyme-refined immunoglobulin of animals, typically horses or sheep, that have been subjected to venom. It is also known as antivenin, antivenene, and anti-snake bite serum.

Anti-venom has the ability to transform the hands of its host into various items, such as a sword (much like its symbiote nephew, Carnage), or a shield. Anti-Venom has the ability to detect impurities—foreign substances—within a person's body. Symbiotes, radiation, drugs, viruses, and other disorders fall within this category.

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