
For ImmediateRelease:
Buxton, NorthCarolina: Travelis becoming more and more common in our lives. When it comes to traveling whereto stay is definitely the matter that arises in everyone’s mind. HatterasIsland is one of the most popular tourist destinations in North Carolina thathas a lot to offer to people of all age groups. Travelers have various optionsto find and book luxury and beautiful HatterasIsland motels through online.
Cape Pines Motel is one of the beautiful Motelon Hatteras Island that gives comfort, convenience and superb service.This specific Hatteras Getaway Specialshotel style accommodation not only caters your Comfort needs but also makesure that you will have some unforgettable and wonderful moments in the city.
If you are looking for something modest andaffordable then there will be plenty of places to choose from but if you are inlook out for an affordable yet luxury Buxton North Carolina motelsthen this Newly Renovated Cape PinesMotel can be your best possible option to select. When it comes to thefacilities within a place then this Motel is the best option where you will geteverything for which you will be paying for and coupled with the relaxingambience and friendly folks to assist you with your vacation to make it amemorable one.
Theystrive to be one of the cleanest and most comfortable among CapeHatteras Lighthouse hotels where rooms are not just lustrous andhigh-tech, but you will be impressed with their level of cleanliness andcomfort, and the with conveniences of free wired and wireless internet &access to city area.
About the Hotel:
CapePines Motel is the perfect Motel On Hatteras Island to experience life inBuxton as yourhome away from home, committed to provide efficient service to their valuedguest with warm hospitality. To knowmore visit
Contact Details:
HotelName: Cape Pines Motel
Address:P.O. Box 100, 47497 Highway 12, Buxton, North Carolina 27920
PhoneNumber: (252) 995-5666