
The term "bioidentical hormones" refers to synthetic hormones that are chemically identical to those produced naturally by the human body. Bio-iDentical Hormones function as the body's own hormones with extremely little adverse effects since they share chemical similarities with the hormones produced by the body.Compound bioidentical hormone treatment can be used to treat diseases like fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, thyroid issues, and insulin resistance. As the number of patients increases globally, researchers are working quickly to develop treatments like bioidentical hormones.
Additionally, night sweats, sleeplessness, and hot flashes are side effects of menopause in women that can be avoided by taking compounded bioidentical hormone therapy.Hormones that are chemically identical to those produced by the body are known as bioidentical hormones. Bio-identical Hormones are synthetic copies of the hormones that the human body naturally makes.A product is referred to as "bioidentical" if its hormones are chemically identical to those your body produces. In fact, it's possible that the hormones in bioidentical drugs are identical to those used in conventional hormone therapy.
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