
CAEN,13 July, 2020 - "Sing 4 Africa", a virtual musicfestival, is set to be held any time soon, probably in the next few months. Abrilliant initiative of the online digital talk show – The COTTON TREE TALK -which is led by MOS-B who is not just Sierra Leone's but most of Africa's oneof the most popular pop stars, *Sing 4 Africa" is being heralded as afestival that will bring Africans together in these testing times.
The virtual streaming ofthe concert is going to take place on various social media platforms and alsowill be broadcast on many TV stations across the continent.
The artists who will beperforming will be both from African countries like Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe,Guinea, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria etc and even from abroad like Finland. The‘Africa Meet Sierra Leone’ festival is about bringing people together tocontinue to push the awareness about COVID-19 and to promote the "twinnature" of the African socio-cultural identity.
"Even though I livein France and love every bit of it, my heart will always beat for the land Ihail from. Africans have always displayed what battling adversity and beingresilient looks like. And now that we're battling Covid-19, I want us to, onemore time, display that same strength through music that brings us alltogether. Brings humanity together. I'm committed to bringing that Africanunity again to the forefront along with many other artists from all over thecontinent on the same platform, at the same time. The world will never be thesame again. It's time Africans lead the way", said Mos-B.
The dates for the festivalwill be announced very soon.
Get more information, please visit
Mos-B is a pop starresiding in France but hailing from Sierra Leone.
E-Mail: -
Lucinda Bancel, Manager#Mos-B
Phone Number:+33 7 68 89 33 64