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best infertility doctor in Jaipur
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Can diet improve a women's vaginal health?

Certain foods and drinks such as probiotics,prebiotics, and fermented food and beverages contain compounds that may improvevaginal health and symptoms of vaginal conditions. bestlaparoscopic surgeon in Jaipur

How can diet improve a women's vaginalhealth?

•      By stabilizing or maintainingvaginal pH by promoting the growth of healthy bacterial populations.

•      By regulating the microflora inthe vagina

•      By preventing Urinary tractinfections

•      By stopping harmful microbes fromattaching to the vaginal tissues

•      working with the body's immunesystem

Which type of foods can improve vaginalhealth?

Probiotic supplements are easily available in market,but some nutritionists recommend getting them from fermented foods and drinks,such as:

·       yogurt

·       kefir

·       sauerkraut

·       pickles

·       temph

·       kombucha

·       kimchi

Foods rich in Prebiotics such as: best infertility hospital in raja park

·       oats

·       leeks and onion

·       banana

·       garlic

·       whole wheat products

·       soybeans

·       asparagus and sunroot

Avoiding or limiting things that canimbalance the body's systems or irritate the vagina, such as:

•      Douching

•      Holding in urine or rushingurination

•      Tight pants or underwear

•      Smoking prolonged

•      Exposure to moisture

•      Processed or heavily refinedfoods

•      Foods or drinks with artificialhormones

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