Fluoutbreaks are quite prevalent in the workplace especially during winter. Withan incubation period of 3 days and a recovery period of at most 2 weeks, thereis usually ample time to pass around this virus especially in a crowdedworkspace. Chances are that without proper preventative measures, the entireemployee-base will end up suffering from fatigue, chills, joint pains, and themost annoying symptom of them all, a running nose. Get more information about Workplace flu vaccinations
Statisticsshow that flu is one of the most rampant acute viral infections that tend toaffect all manner of individuals regardless of their fitness or general health.What’s more, it is among the leading causes of short-term absence from theworkplace. To this end, in the corporate setting, flu infections deal a majorblow to overall workplace productivity in addition to subsequently reducingemployee availability. Observing good hygiene has for years been identified asone of the primary preventative measures to help curb the spread of this virus.However, workplace vaccinations also offer a very viable means of safeguardingemployees, thus, maximizing productivity.
Theseissues underscore the importance of holding regular corporate flu vaccinationprograms at the workplace. There are numerous benefits to be enjoyed with themost obvious one being a healthier workforce. Other notable pros include asignificant drop in flu-related absenteeism rates, minimized time-off requestsbased on medical engagements, reduced workload for members of staff who are notinfected, and more importantly, increased protection by means of herd immunity.Flu vaccinations ensure that each member of the workforce is safeguarded fromthe influenza virus, hence, ensuring that the entire “herd” is fully immunized.
Insummary, observing good hygiene is not sufficient enough to ensure that theworkplace is fully protected from influenza especially during the winterseason. Employees also need to receive the quadrivalent flu vaccine, whichcomprises of 4 strains for all-round protection, on a regular basis. Such anexercise reduces flu-related absenteeism rates and allows for enhancedprotection through herd immunity. It promotes a healthy workforce which in turnensures the business maintains optimum productivity. In essence, healthyemployees translate to a healthy business.