
Award recognizes industry pioneer’s contributions to the advancement of automatic speech recognition and machine translation technologies.
AppTek, a leader in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), Neural Machine Translation (NMT), and Natural Language Understanding (NLU) technologies, announced today that Prof. Dr. -Ing. Hermann Ney, AppTek Science Director, Professor at RWTH University in Aachen and head of the Human Language Technology and Pattern Recognition group, has been awarded the 2021 ISCA Medal for Scientific Achievement for his “pioneering and seminal contributions to data-driven methods for automatic speech recognition and machine translation.”
The International Speech Communication Association (ISCA) promotes, in a worldwide context, activities and exchanges in all fields related to speech communication science and technology. The association is aimed at all persons and institutions interested in fundamental research and technological development that aims at describing, explaining and reproducing the various aspects of human communication by speech, that is, without assuming this enumeration to be exhaustive, phonetics, linguistics, computer speech recognition and synthesis, speech compression, speaker recognition, aids to medical diagnosis of voice pathologies.
The ISCA Medal for Scientific Achievement, established in 1989, recognizes and honors an individual each year who has made extraordinary contributions to the field of speech communication science and technology. The award recipient is chosen via an extensive review process by the ISCA Awards Committee and ISCA Board members.
Professor Ney has devoted his life to neural and data-driven methods for pattern recognition and human language technologies. He is a leading scholar, researcher and scientist in AI and machine learning applied to automatic speech recognition and neural machine translation. His efforts are renowned throughout the language industry with 60,000+ citations, 700+ conference and journal papers, and a Google Scholar h-index of 100+. In 2019, Professor Ney was the recipient of the prestigious IEEE James L Flanagan Speech and Audio Processing Award; in 2015, he was recognized with the IEEE Signal Processing Society Technical Achievement Award; and, in 2013 he received the Award of Honor by the International Association for Machine Translation.
The ISCA Medal for Scientific Achievement award will be presented at the INTERSPEECH 2021 conference where Professor Ney will deliver the opening keynote address.