Apiiro Named “Most Innovative Startup” at RSA InfoSec Conference
Apiiro Named “Most Innovative Startup” at RSA InfoSec Conference
Expert Judges Select Apiiro for its Code Risk Platform™

Expert Judges Select Apiiro for its Code Risk Platform™

RSA® Conference, the world’s leading information security conferences and expositions, announced today during RSA Conference 2021 that Apiiro is the RSAC Innovation Sandbox Contest winner. Named the “Most Innovative Startup,” Apiiro was selected by a panel of esteemed judges for its Code Risk Platform™, which provides a 360° view of security and compliance risks across applications, infrastructure and open-source code, developer experience, and business impact.

In its sixteenth year, the RSAC Innovation Sandbox Contest is a leading platform for startups to showcase their groundbreaking technologies that have the potential to transform the cybersecurity industry. Since its inception, the RSAC Innovation Sandbox Contest’s top 10 finalists have collectively seen over 50 acquisitions and received over $8.2 billion in funding. Previous winners include companies such as Imperva, Phantom, Axonius, and most recently,

“We are thrilled to be named the ‘Most Innovative Startup’ by the RSA Conference,” said Idan Plotnik, CEO of Apiiro. “It’s so hard to invent something completely new and get such recognition from the market, customers, and the industry-expert RSAC Innovation Sandbox judges. We are honored by this recognition.”

Apiiro is a Code Risk Platform™ that provides risk visibility with every change, from design to code to cloud. The company was selected as RSAC’s Most Innovative Startup due in part because it is a mature product that addresses the problem that the cybersecurity industry has been facing for years: the amount of code that organizations are producing is continuing to grow and there is a true need to be able to identify critical information across the repositories where the code is stored.

“The companies that participated in this year’s Innovation Sandbox Contest have truly proved their resilience as they continue to work tirelessly to prevent the ever-increasing amount of threats that organizations face,” said Linda Gray Martin, Vice President, RSA Conference. “Apiiro demonstrated their dedication to solving one of the biggest issues that CISOs face and we are excited to see what impact they continue to make in the industry moving forward.”

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