
TMRprojects the global anthocyanin market to reach US$ 735.9 Mn by2026. Over this period of 2018-2026, the anthocyanin market is forecast toreport a CAGR of 4.6%. Among the key end use segments, the food and beveragesindustry is likely to lead the market in 2018. The trend is likely to remainunchanged throughout the course of the forecast period. Regionally, the NorthAmerica anthocyanin market held the leading share in the global market in 2018.
Theglobal anthocyanin market exhibits the presence of several large companies.Besides this, domestic players enjoy a stronghold in regional pockets, whichhas rendered the market highly competitive. According to a new study byTransparency Market Research (TMR), Archer Daniels Midlands Co., SensientTechnologies Corp, Symrise A.G., and CHR Hansen A/S held nearly 50% of theglobal anthocyanin market in 2018, thereby registering their dominance.
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Tosustain growth amidst the prevailing competition, the leading players aretrying out a plethora of strategies. For instance, they are engaging in mergersand acquisitions. Besides this, investment towards product innovation issteadily increasing. These strategies are adopted by market players to expandtheir footprint worldwide. Such strategies are therefore likely to have asignificant influence on the global anthocyanin market.
SteadilyRising Demand from Emerging Economies to Steer Growth
Anthocyaninconsumption has positive effects on human health. Studies have shown that theyhave anti-allergic, anti-oxidant, anti-microbial, and anti-inflammatoryproperties. Besides these, anthocyanin also help in improving microcirculationof the body. Anthocyanin expedite metabolism process, the rising awarenessabout which is likely to bode well for the market.
Anthocyaninalso fight oxidative stress, which can escalate heart ailments. Furthermore,consumption of anthocyanin can help reduce obesity in humans. TMR expects thatthe market will significantly gain from the rising awareness about healthbenefits offered by anthocyanin. Additionally, the steadily rising demand fromIndia, China, Brazil, Argentina, and Indonesia will steer growth in the globalanthocyanin market.
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Demandfor Synthetic Variants May Hamper Growth
Anthocyaninare extracted from natural resources, which makes them difficult to work with.Raw materials used for deriving anthocyanin are available at a higher pricethan those used for extracting artificial colorants. Besides this, anthocyaninlack color intensity unlike their synthetic counterparts. Additionally, thesynthetic variants help maintaining the vibrancy of the color. Therefore, therising demand for synthetic anthocyanin may hamper the growth of globalanthocyanin market to an extent.
Furthermore,factors such as the absence of a wide ranging color pallet and implementationof stringent guidelines controlling the use of food additives may negativelythe market the market. Nonetheless, the demand for natural food colors islikely to remain steady through the forecast period. Expansion of the food andbeverage industry and the steady use of anthocyanin in the sector will enablethe market sustain growth in the coming years.
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The reportsegments the global anthocyanin market as:
GlobalAnthocyanin Market, by Type
· Cyanidin
· Delphinidin
· Pelargonidin
· Peonidin
· Petunidin
· Malvidin
GlobalAnthocyanin Market, by End Use
· Food & Beverage Industry
o Bakery & Confectionary
o Dairy Products
o Beverages
o Soup, Sauces & Spreads
o Others
· Nutraceutical Industry
· Pharmaceutical Industry
· Personal Care and Cosmetic Industry
· Animal Feed
GlobalAnthocyanin Market, by Source
· Fruits
· Vegetables
· Flowers
· Legumes & Cereal
GlobalAnthocyanin Market, by Geography
· North America
· Europe
· Asia Pacific excluding Japan
· Latin America
· Oceania
· Japan
· Middle East & Africa