
July 09, 2020: -Dr. DaShaunda Turner, an author, motivational speaker and college instructoralongside Lakeshia Franklin, a militaryveteran adept in helping individuals transit from the military to a new life asa civilian through making the right career and financial choices, collaborateto produce one of the best goto vision board planner called; Get in the Habitof a D’Clazzique Lady.
With the singular vision of helping women stay true to theirgoals and achieving them through the power of focus and positive vibes, Get inthe Habit of a D’Clazzique Lady is a vision board planner, a not so common typeof journal packed with tons of thought-provoking exercises designed to help andguide the human mind as it explores the unchartered territory of the mind alongwith daily positive habit-forming affirmations.
Keeping a journal is a little unknown tool that tends to beunderutilized or not used at all by many. A journal is a perfect place torecord insights and inspirations, it’s the engine room of the mind for anysuccessful individual, it’s where insights begin to take shape and solidify.Get in the Habit of a D’Clazzique Lady is the ideal weapon to strategize, plan andachieve anything that is desired in life.
In agreement with Dr. DaShaunda, she shares their reasons andintention of creating this, in her words, “this journal is dedicated to helpingyou get the habit of a D’Clazzique lady; a lady committed to a vision and apurpose and dedicated to making the most of each day. A D’Clazzique lady is alady who embraces all and everything about her and harnesses the totalacceptance of herself into a positive energy that propels her to connect andthrive within her sphere of influence. She is the “Classy and Jazzy Lady”.
Get in the habit of a D’Clazzique Lady vision board journal ispowered by the I am A D’Clazzique Lady Organizaion, an empowerment and coachingorganization for ladies. It focuses on helping them embrace their self andfocus on their goals through vision boarding, planning, and execution.
Get in the Habit ofa D'Clazzique Lady is available across different online platforms;,, Barnes & Noble, GoogleBooks, and Amazon. For moreinformation about the book and D’Clazzique Lady Organization, get started here.
About Dr. DaShaunda Turner
Dr. Turner is aserial entrepreneur, the CEO, and Founder of D Global Partners, LLC, and D’ClazziqueHair Solutions, LLC. With over 15 year’swealth of experience in human resources, strategic planning, and organizationaldevelopment, she seeks to help individuals and organizations flourish and attaintheir goals.
About Lakeshia Franklin
Lakeshia Franklin is a United States ArmyVeteran with over a decade of serving the nation. She encourages, guides individuals andfamilies transiting from military to civilians or vice-versa in making the rightcareer choices, as well as how to remain financially stable in and out ofcollege settings. She is currently workingtowards a master’s degree in Human Resource Management.
Media Contact
Company Name: I Am A D’Clazzique Lady
Name: Dr. DaShaunda Turner
Phone Number: 931-217-0931
Country: United States