
Video laryngoscope is a device used to view anatomical structure of the larynx for detailed examination. It uses video camera technology to visualize airway structures and enable endotracheal intubation. The anesthesia video laryngoscope allows the physicians to view the larynx indirectly, allowing for an ‘around-the-corner’ view. It is performed to facilitate tracheal intubation during various surgical procedures, general anesthesia, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation on larynx and other parts of tracheal region. The laryngoscope is basically composed of a handle that contains batteries and a blade that locks into place to provide light and visualization of the airway.
Also, the adoption of advanced products such as portable anesthesia video laryngoscopes is high owing to similar functions and configurations such as conventional curved and angulated laryngoscope without the extra difficulty of training that increases physician’s preference for anesthesia video laryngoscope devices. However, some challenges faced during the use of anesthesia video laryngoscopes are voice pitch complications, breathing problems, internal bleeding, and irritation. Also, high cost of devices and availability of alternative devices are certain challenges which may hamper the global Anesthesia Video Laryngoscope Market growth.
Anesthesia video laryngoscopy is performed to facilitate tracheal intubation during various surgical procedures, general anesthesia and cardiopulmonary resuscitation on larynx or other parts of tracheobronchial region.Recent technological advancements in anesthesia video laryngoscope such as robot assisted intubation and constant difficulties in tracheal intubation in direct laryngoscope has led to the demand for video laryngoscope.
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