
Bone Densitometer is a medical device that measures bone density and monitors the mineral content of the bone. Bone density test determines decrease in bone density, risks of possible bone fractures, risk of osteoporosis, and monitors effective treatment. Bone densitometer consists detectors, phantoms, X-ray tubes, and power supplies. Central devices and peripheral devices are used to test bone density at different parts of the body. Central device examines density of spinal and hip bones; however, peripheral devices test bone density in wrists, fingers or heel, among other peripheral bones. Osteoporosis causes weakening and thinning of bones, which in turn, leads to potential bone injuries. Therefore, bone densitometers can be used for early detection.
The company focuses on providing Bone Densitometers to various clinical research centers. It has a significant global footprint, owing to its strong sales and distribution network. The company’s Lunar Aria combines advanced technology with an understanding of the challenges of offering cost-effective bone care. It is, therefore, the ideal osteoporosis diagnostic system for private practice and smaller hospitals.
According to the National Institutes of Health Osteoporosis and Related Bone Diseases, certain lifestyle-associated habits that include sedentary lifestyle, alcohol abuse, and smoking are major causes that promote this condition in the male population. The aforementioned factors pose a clinical urgency to curb the growing prevalence of osteoporosis, thus fueling the adoption rate of bone densitometers for early diagnosis.
Furthermore, consistent technological advancements over the years such as the advent of integrated digital detectors and computer-assisted & ultrasound densitometers are found to exhibit high ease of operation as well as reduced measurement time. Hence all these technological advancemnets leads to the growth of the market.
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