
Ajanta Caves are a noted attraction for archaeologists because they have been abandoned and left behind a range of mysterious objects. Archaeologist Mike George found ancient textiles, tools, and pottery in one cave of the Ajantas in 2007.
Ajanta Caves Abandoned & Found 1500 Years Later by an Englishman - ItsHistoria
Do you know Ajanta Caves Abandoned & Found 1500 Years Later by an Englishman? Archaeologists love the Ajanta Caves in India, as they've left behind some incredible artifacts. In 2007, English archaeologist Mike George discovered a diverse range of relics in one of the caves, including ancient textiles, tools, and containers. Because the materials were made from cotton and featured ancient coolers, George was able to estimate them to be about 1,500 years old.
Before this finding, no one knew that the Ajanta Caves existed. The ancient people who created them must have been excellent at masking their residences! Visit our website to know more information.