
TAG: Noted ACLJ founding attorney T. PatrickMonaghan's wife nears death as controversy surrounds her treatment andinvestigations are under way into the matter in Kentucky.
T.Patrick Monaghan (Pat) is a founding member of the public-interest law firm theAmerican Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ). He is one of three memberscurrently on the Board, along with Jay Sekulow and Pat Robertson. On October28th, 2019, his wife, 71 year old Mary Louise Monaghan, suffered a severestroke, steadily improving until late January of 2020 when she developedmysterious symptoms of pneumonia. Shortly thereafter, a DNR was made by herhusband, Pat.
Atboth Jewish Hospital in Louisville, KY, where she was, and LandmarkRehabilitation in Bardstown, KY, where she is, medical directives were given todehydrate her. This nearly killed Mrs. Monaghan. When her son Joe Monaghancomplained, Landmark responded that these directives were issued by herhusband, Pat. Fearing for his mother’s life, Joe contacted the Archdiocese ofLouisville, the Ombudsman. After the Ombudsman intervened, she appeared to bebriefly given some hydration, but the Ombudsman then dropped the matter.
Thedehydration issues continued for two months, against Kentucky law,culminating on April 16th when witnesses discovered that her water settingwas zero. She was receiving no water at all. Remedial hydration stepstaken after an investigation by the Officer of the Inspector General (OIG)stopped the attempts to dehydrate, but since then she has appeared heavilysedated. The OIG investigation records are sealed and the facilityrefuses to release her current prescription list. A review of her prescriptionlist as of April 6, by a practitioner familiar with her records,revealed that Ms. Monaghan was on 11 medications, but only needing two of them.They even had her on a prostate drug.
OnMarch 20th, her son and a friend visited her at 9:00 pm at her window. TheTV in her room was so loud it could be heard outside the building, all thelights in her room were on, and her door to the hallway was closed. She was visibly shaking in bed. OnMarch 23rd, a police officer appeared, chasing people away from visiting her ather window. This visiting method was being encouraged nationally due toCOVID-19. Police investigators and the ACLU are looking into the situation. Her Son-in-Law works inthe Commonwealth Attorney’s office, yet the office has declined to pursue thethreats against her life as a conflict of interest.
Landmark has been served with a letter from an attorneystating that the methods used to end her life are illegal. Two stateinvestigations are ongoing. Pat Monaghan has claimed that he wants his wife tolive and he is just doing what he knows best, yet Landmark is currently involved in a number of lawsuits. One,according to Thomas Law Office's website, states that “more than a dozen of thefacility’s 200 residents are in immediate danger of “death or serious mental orphysical harm.” The owner, Joe Meisels, has been sued by the Attorney Generalof Iowa for defrauding the elderly by selling fake astrologyservices.
MaryLouise never signed a Living Will nor indicated that she wanted to die. Hercondition has never been adjudicated according to Kentucky law, and the attempts towithhold her water and nutrition were done in secret.