A Pigeon Deterrent Method That Changes the Bird’s Behaviour
A Pigeon Deterrent Method That Changes the Bird’s Behaviour
Pigeons are the most common type of bird found in cities all over the world.

Pigeons are the most common type of bird found in cities all over the world. They had a symbiotic relationship with humans for a long time, as they were first domesticated and raised for many reasons. Nowadays, however, feral pigeons are considered a nuisance, as they are present in high numbers in areas where humans live. Including large cities, where they gather in large flocks and nest in different buildings. Understanding how these birds behave, why are they attracted to humans, and when they become a pest is a key to preventing unwanted issues. Fortunately, there are many pigeon deterrent solutions available today that help you control the way you interact with these birds.

The History of Pigeons

Rock doves lived along with humans in caves and on cliffs, similar to how city pigeons now nest in high buildings. It is believed that rock doves were first domesticated between 5000 and 10000 years ago as a source of food. This process continued, and the birds were also domesticated for religious purposes. Not long after that, people began to use pigeons for sending messages across large distances. Carrier pigeons were used throughout history, including the Great Wars. As a result of being exploited by humans for various purposes, pigeons are now one of the most prosperous bird species. However, in modern days this bird has outlived its usefulness.

Like many other birds, their main diet consists of seeds, fruits and small insects. However, feral pigeons found in cities are known to feed on anything humans offer them, from breadcrumbs to other food scraps. They eat a lot, and once a pigeon finds a source of food, the entire flock will come to feed. Their usual life expectancy is five years, but they can live much more. In some regions, pigeons are hunted by birds of prey, but there are no predators in urban areas to control their population. For this reason, humans solely must come up with pigeon deterrent solutions. This need for control systems appeared due to the rapid breeding cycle of pigeons.

The Behaviour of Pigeons

Whether you like it or not, pigeons continue to coexist with humans. They can become a big problem not only in small towns but also in large cities. Perhaps studying their behaviour will help you understand why severe infestations happen and how can you prevent them.

·        Breeding

Depending on the weather, feral pigeons can breed throughout all year. Usually, the female will lay two eggs. It can take the eggs up to three weeks to hatch. In their ten first days, the young pigeons will be fed by their parents. In only a month, they become fully feathered and reach the size of adult birds, so they will leave the nest to become independent. The breeding cycle now repeats, each pair of pigeons being able to raise up to six broods yearly. It only takes six months before the new birds can also breed.

·        Nesting

Each pair of pigeons needs its own nest, which they build in a warm, secure place. Common nesting grounds include abandoned constructions, rooftops, tall buildings, bridges, rain gutters, and other locations with access to water. Birds build their nest using sticks, straws and poop. They can also reuse or rebuild old nests. Pigeons will try to return if removed from their nest. However, you can prevent them from returning to the nesting site by installing pigeon deterrents in the affected areas.

·        Feeding

These birds are perfectly capable of taking care of themselves. Therefore, feeding pigeons is highly discouraged. Excessive food sources encourage continuous breeding, accentuating overpopulation. Consequently, limiting the food available for pigeons is a way of preventing a worse infestation.

What Problems Are Associated with Pigeons?

Pigeon droppings are the starting point of many of the risks related to pigeons. Droppings contain uric acid, making them corrosive. This acidic character can cause aesthetic damage to the surface of buildings, monuments, and statues. Besides the long-term deterioration of buildings, droppings and feathers can block pipes and rain gutters, leading to floodings. Untreated pest infestations can ruin the image of a place, including public or commercial buildings.

Pigeons get rid of their waste very frequently, which often ends on the pavement. When it rains, the surfaces coated in droppings can become slippery. Some people might also fear that droppings represent a health hazard. So, are pigeon droppings a risk for your health? The birds' nesting place is often also infested by mites, which can cause allergic reactions for some people. Undoubtedly, severe pigeon infestations are a sure way to get contaminated with bacteria and even diseases.

What Pigeon Deterrent Solution is Needed?

There are many pigeon deterrents available today. These control systems are an efficient and cheap way to deal with any bird infestation. Usually, they work by preventing the birds from nesting at a specific location. Over the past years, the mechanisms evolved from bird spikes and nets to more sophisticated devices. One of the most effective deterrent solutions that work for a long time and do not harm the pigeon is Bird Free gel. Further, you can read more about how Bird Free works and what are its results.

The best methods of dealing with pigeons are the ones which act on the behaviour of these birds. That is because birds act on instinct, and they will try to find a way around traditional deterrents such as spikes or nets. Instead, changing the pigeons' behaviour and making them want to leave your place is a better deterrent method. For example, the Bird Free gel does exactly that, making birds avoid it by stimulating their senses. How is the gel applied?

First, a cleaning process is carried out before applying the gel pads. Once stuck to a surface, the gel emits UV light, which birds perceive as a fire. They will also avoid it for its peppermint smell, which they dislike. Moreover, if a bird still tries to return to the treated site and comes in contact with the gel, it will not try it a second time, as it detests its sticky texture. After understanding their behaviour, specialists have perfected a pigeon deterrent gel so effective that pigeons will keep their distance. Finally, these flying animals will not bother you anymore.