
You can’t help but thumb through the fashion mags after a Hollywood award show to see what the stars wore-the good, the bad and the downright shameful. But one aspect of all the glitz is the goody bags the stars take home. Sure, it may take an entire paycheck (or two or three) to afford just one item from these hush-hush swag bags, but we still want to know what’s in them. What is so intriguing about millionaire celebrities (who could stop working today and still live more comfortably than the general populous)getting free stuff that we’d eat Ramen noodles for a month to own?
Maybe it’s because stars set the trends-and even if you’re not a closet E! News devotee, you’ll run out to buy those hot shades Paris Hilton was photographed wearing. And as much as it pains us to think about the unfairness of it all-stars hold a lot of clout when it comes to product endorsements-the very reason companies load them up with free loot. So, even if you think you’re the most stylish accountant to grace corporate America, thousands of people won’t buy leopard-print pants simply because you wore a pair to the office party.
Okay, so what’s in the bags? It could be a Gaiam’s Organic Spa Experience, complete with European-style glass aromatherapy essential oil diffuser; organic cotton towel; organic cotton robe; soy pillar agen 18 candle; botanical shampoo, conditioner, body lotion, body wash and cleansing bar; meditation