7 simple secrets to totally rocking your toto site
7 simple secrets to totally rocking your toto site
7 simple secrets to totally rocking your toto site

You feel yourself financially able and personally qualified to invest. You can meet the conditions of reasonable stability, reasonable flexibility, and reasonable caution. But nagging doubt remains. Wouldn’t you really be better off with your extra cash in a savings account?

Or a piece of real estate? In short, is it really safe to invest?

Well, how much safety do you require? Since there are no absolutely sure things anywhere, safety must be looked at as a matter of degree. There are no guarantees of success in stock ownership, no guarantees against loss. Even the thoughtful, conscientious investor can be taken to the cleaners.

It should be remembered, however, that investment in 토토사이트 stocks is a way of sharing in the profit potential of American industry. Is the American economy safe? It seems to be. Since 1900 it has been rising in productivity at an average rate of 4 per cent per year. Our Gross National Product is now nearly $480 billion. By 1965, according to quite conservative estimates, it is expected to rise 30 per cent to some $535 billion. A few hard-headed stargazers among our economists feel it may go as high as $600 billion and perhaps to $700 billion by 1970. (In the early Thirties it was only $56 billion less than the 1959 Federal budget.) Should these peaks in fact be reached, or even approached, the likely result would be an unexampled level of national prosperity.

For corporations, prosperity is reflected in earnings.