
TikTokis a video social network with over 500 million users and has filters for all your needs. You can use it to post short videos or makeup tutorials, take photos of your food in gaining more views, or even just chat with friends in the comments section. It's all about making real connections with people who share the same interests as you!
You might have heard of TikTok, but not know how to use it. Well, we're here to help! Here are 5 tips on how to create an account and use TikTok for all your social needs. Follow these steps and you'll be ready to go in no time!
1) Download the App.
Mobile apps are a big part of the digital world, but what if you're looking for an app that's not in the app store? Luckily for you, we've got your back!
I'm sure you're here because you want to find out more about TikTok- the latest app that has been taking over everyone's phone. Well, we won't get into what it is or why it's so addictive (you can read about that elsewhere) but instead focus on something a little different: how to download tiktok and use it on your computer.
It might seem like an odd thing for us to talk about, but with all of this recent hype around the app, some people have struggled with downloading and using it from their computers. And then there are those who don't even know if they can download the app in the first place! You might be one of them too - I was confused when I first heard
With this new app called TikTok for Android and iOS, you can download any of the many awesome apps from different countries. It couldn't be easier- just search for what you want, click on the name of the app and hit "download." The next screen will show a list of countries where TikTok is being offered. Choose your country and voila - instant gratification! If you already have TikTok installed on your phone but are looking for more features or want to change up your current setup, then click on "settings" at the bottom right
2) Create an account with your email or phone number.
How many times have you forgotten your password and had to reset it? How frustrating is that? Those days are over. With one simple step, you can create an account with your email or phone number. We also provide a backup email incase you don't want to share your personal information.
That way if anything happens, we'll have a backup plan for you so you won't need to worry about not being able to log into the app again!
Best of all, we make sure that every time there's an update on our app (which is often!) we're letting people know what they need to do in order to keep their personal data secure and safe.
If you're reading this, then you must be thinking about creating an account with your email or phone number. We'll show you how to do it in three simple steps:
Step 1, enter your email address and click the "Sign Up" button.
Step 2, enter your password twice and click the" Confirm Password" button.
Step 3, enter a username for yourself and click the "Create Account" button! Easy as pie! You will now have access to all of our great features like uploading photos on Facebook or Instagram stories from Snapchat!
Once again- create an account with your email or phone (or both) by following these easy steps:
Step 1- Enter Your Email Address
Step 2- Enter
3) Upload a profile picture.
"For years now, Tiktok has been one of the premier social media platform. And even though it's cool to say you're "over" Tiktok and don't use it anymore, this could be because your account is lacking a profile picture."
If you're one of those people who needs help with their social media presence, take five minutes today to upload a new photo.
You're old enough to have a social media account with your own profile picture, but you've never uploaded one. Why not? You might be afraid that people will judge you for having a goofy photo or some unflattering features. However, the best way to get over this fear is to just do it!
A new profile picture can make all the difference in how you feel about yourself and what others think of you too. With so many easy ways to take great selfies nowadays, there's no excuse not to upload one today!
4) Add friends by searching their username or adding them manually.
We've all been in the position of scrolling through our phone contacts, looking for someone we can add on Tiktok. We'll type their name into our search bar and hope they pop up or we'll scroll to find them. But what if there was a better way?
There are many ways to add friends on Tiktok but the most convenient is by searching for them! You can either type their username into your search bar or manually enter it. It's as easy as that! So next time you're stuck with no one to snap with, try this method out instead.
5) Select categories that best describe yourself so people can find you.
If you're reading this blog post, it's safe to assume that either you area user of the internet looking for some helpful tips or an influencer who wants to know how to reach out. I'm here with some helpful tips and advice on how to get your posts seen by more people!
The first step is knowing what categories best describe yourself so people can find you. For example, if you spend most of your time on social media, then select "user" as one of those categories. If instead you want something juicy from the entertainment world, make sure to include "viewer."
To Sump Up
If you're a social media guru, then this blog post probably isn't for you. But if TikTok is new to you or your business and want some help getting started, we've got five tips that should get the ball rolling in no time! Ready?
Let's go through these steps together. What do you think about using TikTok as an alternative marketing tool? Does it have potential for businesses who are looking to reach their customers directly and authentically? Leave us a comment below with any thoughts on how successful enterprises can use the app!