
For any industries, raw materials, the energy requirements and the finished products hold the most important place. When you need to store any fluid for any purpose, be it in agriculture farming, aviation, or the production industry, storage tanks are the equipment that satisfies the purpose. They are chosen based on various criteria such as capacity, corrosion allowances, cost, and many other considerations. However, one of the most significant that has to be considered is its handling capacity. For this purpose, the safety requirements while handling the tank have to be considered. In other words, the bunded fuel tanks, if used, have certain tips that must be kept in mind while handling any fuel in the same for storage purposes.
When the fuel tanks are not handled well and operated without proper safety norms, it could result in huge mishaps and accidents ranging from explosions and fuel losses. That is why before purchasing any of the tanks for sale always ensure that your safety compliances are up to the mark. This could be the prevention of any accident that might be a result of your bankruptcy. Here are the safety tips that you might want to use while using bunded fuel tanks. Read on to understand more.
Timely checking for leaks or cracks
When you own a bundled tank, you already get the safety of two tanks that could hold up your fuel. The two tank safety protects from any losses as the fuel gets trapped in between the two tanks. However, if in any case the tank gets damaged from the outer part, there may be strong chances of leaks and spills on the outer periphery. This could invite troubles of all sorts given the liquid might be toxic, corrosive, or inflammable. To avoid such accidents, there must be a regular check-up of the tanks for any kinds of cracks or damages. They could be endured at any time during operation and may have gone out of notice. A time inspection could prevent it from worsening and hence save the day. To bring the cracks to notice, the parts where most stresses exist must be checked. Further, a regular inspection of the tanks at their bottom side must be done. These sites have the most vulnerable conditions of getting damaged.
Keep away from combustible materials
When you are into the production business or construction or aircraft industry, the storage tanks generally contain flammable fuel or corrosive explosive materials in the storage tanks. They are used for production and maintenance purposes at large. To allow these substances to stay efficient and not get wasted, they must be kept away from any combustible substances. It is well known that these substances can result in explosions and damage the industries widely. This can cause huge losses of equipment and also result in raw material losses. You must have come across the accident reports and news that some spark or some explosive caught minor fire which caused a blast in some plant. This is because of this kind of carelessness.
Use bright colored tanks
If you are in search of a tank, say in the construction industry, a light-colored tank wouldn’t help. You need to find the tank soon. For this purpose, tanks are always kept of dark colors as it helps in easy detection. At building and construction sites, it is extremely essential to have brightly colored tanks for the utilization of them at the proper time.
Ensure that the hoses are placed back
One of the most underrated safety tips is to keep the hose pipes back in their places. When you take them out to refill some tanks or other process equipment, they might be misplaced or kept in some wrongly positioned manner. This could result in damages or cracks and be a result of the loss of fuel. This could be worth a fortune as the prices of fuels and chemicals are quite huge which is why a good quality storage tank is used. If the carelessness of the hose pipe results in some losses it could be a horrendous situation. This is why after every use, always double-check the hose placement and lock the container up to avoid any damages.
Prohibit smoking and mobile phones
When you have to take care of a storage tank you can not afford any of the smoke emitting substances that could result in the fire. Smoking is strictly not advisable at such places. A slight spark could result in damage to equipment or cause a huge blast of the equipment. This could be easily prevented if proper care is taken. Furthermore, the use of mobile phones of laptops and similar devices should also be prevented as the radiations and high temperatures with the corrosive environment could result in mishaps. This is why mobile phones are always deposited outside such areas to keep away from unfortunate accidents.
With the above tips given for the prevention of accidents and mishaps, it becomes extremely crucial to keep them at operation use. If not followed correctly, they could cause large amounts of damages and result in damage to the equipment and process industry as a whole. However, this could be easily avoided. The tips do not require any additional expenses, however, they do require personnel who are careful with their responsibilities. This is extremely essential for safeguard against damages.
When the fire safety regulations and proper grounding is provided, there is already good protection against damages. However, certain additional precautions could guarantee complete safety. After all, accidents cause damages that are worth much more than any meager costs that these safety requirements might require. Nowadays there has been quite a high focus on environmental norms and their regulations. This is essential given the depleting resources. However one factor of benefit that these norms include is avoiding any wastage of resources. This includes the safety regulations that making it compulsion helps in making safety the prime necessity in every industry. So make sure your industry follows these tips for complete protection against any mishaps.