
Can You Handle Who The Alpha Dog Is When You Own Two Pets
A pet canine owner named Beth composes:
Dear Mr. Katz,
I have 2 cocker spaniels that are one year apart. The red and white female (Cassie) is nearly 2 and cleansed. The lover male (Peanut) is just one 1 years of ages and neutered. Peanut was saved from a cocker shelter in October of 1999. He is incredibly devoted, an excellent listener and fast learner. He is the ideal pet as he is exceptionally eager to please. Cassie on the other hand is the most independent Yorkie for sale and consistent dog I have ever stumbled upon (you 've more than likely seen even worse ). She utilized to just listen to commands when she wanted but I have stop that. I have had numerous issues with her dominant tendencies however have really come a long way. She now views me as the alpha and only shows hostility when she remains in pain-- particularly when I brush her. She has been discovered with allergies, is on allergic reaction shots and has bad skin. This is not my issue though as I believe I can solve this one with utilizing the training collar.
ADAM INSERTS: It's very hard to repair pain-response aggressiveness. It's more of an action than anything else. Use the muzzle and limit the pet dog when you need to offer her shots. Other times (so that she does not construct an unfavorable association to the muzzle) put it on, take it off, and then offer her a cookie. Do this at random times.
BETH CONTINUES: Cassie screens