
You may need to get rid rid of your old monitor, especially if you're purchasing a new one. These monitors may seem like junk due to their huge size that make them occupy a large space. It might be tempting to send it to your dumpster or accumulate it with the rest of your trash. However, this is not a good idea because monitors have compounds and chemicals that are harmful to the environment. If you dispose of them in a landfill, with time, these poisonous elements may seep into water supplies and impact the health of animals, humans and plants. If you want to keep the environment safe, it's advisable to get rid of this gadget in a sustainable way.
Keep reading to learn how you can safely dispose of monitors.
Can You Donate Your Monitor to a Manufacturer of Non-Reusable Electrical Devices?
Manufacturers of electronic devices usually look for raw materials to make new products. That's why they have several recycling programs that allow electronic gadget owners to send their items for recycling. Some even have specific locations where you can drop the monitor and have it collected.
The best way to find these companies is through a Google search. Most manufacturers use their websites to explain to their customers what they do with the products they recycle. These sites will also give you the exact locations where you can deposit your monitor and have it refurbished.
However, there are other ways to get in touch with these manufacturers. You can email or call customer service and find out if they have a recycling program for monitors. You'll learn the company's process and what you need to do before sending in your monitor through this media.
Why Is Processing Monitors as e-Waste Challenging?
Monitors are made from several hazardous materials, including lead and cadmium. These materials can be released into the environment and cause serious health problems if not disposed of properly. Some diseases attributed to these chemicals include cancer, brain damage, and kidney failure.
Processing monitors as e-waste is challenging because they require sophisticated equipment and a suitable environment. This environment should be away from humans and animals. If it's within a room, it should be well ventilated and have a HEPA filter. The professionals processing these wastes should also wear personal protective equipment (PPE) to avoid coming into contact with hazardous materials.
The first step in processing monitors as e-waste is to remove the CRT (cathode ray tube). This contains lead and other hazardous materials. It is removed and recycled separately. Next, the plastic and metal parts of the monitor are separated and processed individually. This procedure requires specialized equipment and a clean, safe environment.
Because recycling monitors is a complicated process, it should be done through a certified e-waste recycler. This will ensure that it's safely processed and the materials are appropriately disposed of. Moreover, these recyclers often provide pick-up services, making it even easier to recycle your old monitor. Some of them may also offer data destruction services to protect your information.
How Should Professional Companies Dispose of Batteries?
As the use of electronic devices increase, so does the need to recycle or dispose of batteries properly. Batteries contain several harmful chemicals, including lead and mercury, which can be released into the environment if they are not discarded properly.
There are many ways to safely get rid of batteries, depending on the type of battery and the amount of waste. Batteries also come in all shapes and sizes, with various chemistries. That's why each type of battery has its own method of disposal.
Lead-acid batteries, for example, can be recycled. During this process, the lead and other metals in the battery are separated and reused. Other batteries, such as lithium-ion, can also be recycled, though the process is more complex.
Another way to dispose of batteries is through incineration. In this process, the batteries are burned in a controlled environment and the resulting energy is used to generate electricity. While incineration may seem like an easy way to get rid of batteries, it can actually release harmful toxins into the atmosphere. This is why professional companies should avoid this method if possible.
Still, some prefer to simply landfill batteries. This is the least environmentally-friendly option, as the chemicals in batteries can leach into the ground and contaminate soil and water. Landfilling should only be used as a last resort and when other disposal methods are not possible.
The Procedure of Disposing of Monitors in a Sustainable Way
Most monitors nowadays are made with LCD or LED screens. Cathode-ray tube (CRT) monitors are less common, but they still exist. All monitors have one thing in common: they all contain toxic chemicals that can be hazardous to the environment if not disposed of properly.
Here's how SPW in Malaysia safely disposes of monitors:
1. They check with the local e-waste recycling center to see if they accept monitors.
2. If they can't find a local e-waste recycling center, they check with the city or county government to see if they have any recommendations.
3. If they're unable to find a recycler, they contact a local hazardous waste disposal center to see if they'll take it.
SPW understands that CRT monitors contain lead and other harmful components, which is why they take extra precautions when disposing of them. Some of these include ensuring the toxic chemicals don't leach into the environment and ensuring they are appropriately dismantled.
When it comes to LCD or LED screens, SPW uses a process called de-manufacturing. This involves taking the screen apart and recycling the individual components. The benefit of this is that it reduces the amount of waste that goes to landfills.
The Bottom Line
Monitors should be recycled or disposed of in an environmentally friendly way. The best thing is that some recyclers even pay you for your old monitors. While some companies specialise in recycling monitors, some municipalities have electronic waste disposal programs. SPW is committed to sustainably disposing of monitors. If you have an old monitor that you need discarded, you should ensure that it is done responsibly.