
Why Brand consider cinema advertising for promotion?
The growth of cinema in India decides the growth of cinema advertising. What you remember the most is the films or the impact of theatre advertising leaves on you. Well, theatre does put a lot of effort so that you at least get a glance at cinema advertising. That’s how theatre earns. Since it is the question of survival, so brands won’t face any leniency from the side of the theatre advertising team. Therefore brands can take advantage of this synergistic relationship between cinema and cinema advertising.
Hence the base to start with theatre advertising for businesses is all clear. Apart from this, there are still other unavoidable reasons which influence rand to consider cinema advertising once before finalizing marketing plan. This article will tell how it helps them in designing promotional campaigns.
Theatre of movie advertisement attracts a specific section of a captive audience. They pay in advance before coming to watch a movie. Thus theatre advertising assures the presence of viewers’ numbers, category, gender, etc. In this way, a cinema advertising agency in India can prepare strategies well in advance. Accordingly, they can design the content of the advertisement. They can also identify the areas where brands should focus more or less. Hence theatre advertising let brands save cost to be spent on experiments in market.
Moreover, some movie theatres instruct the audience to switch off phones. Hence, it saves the efforts to fight with big distractions like mobiles. Others are radio, TV, etc.
Theatre advertising offers upper dimensions of sounds, wall-to-wall screens, and pitch dark big rooms, etc. this all adds to the experience to viewers which is bigger than life. That they don’t usually feel at home on the TV screen. With the advancement in technology and the increase in the expectation of the customers, it becomes difficult to meet the demands. But working with a cinema advertising agency in India can make it a reality. Brands can make most of it. As even simple amusing scenes could make the audience burst into a laugh, companies with lightly designed ads can get immense attention.
Movie advertisement and brand promotion in theatre advertising could be intrinsically linked. Movie advertisement contains content with famous dialogues, songs, etc. And in the case of fantasy-based movies, many brands connect their way of communicating a message with audio-visual effects. For example, like using Thanos’ hand magic effect from Avengers, Minions from the movie Despicable, etc.
Therefore, cinema advertising opens up new space for creativity. Through this, emotional touch with the movie advertisements can create a new identity for brands. It helps in market positioning in the minds of the customers. Market position is a very crucial part of a promotion. The Cinema advertising agency in India is aware of local taste. So they perform their allotted task with diligence.
It seems ill-mannered to talk over movie advertisements in the premise. The silence is the golden opportunity for brands. You can gather undeflected attention from the sitting audience. They catch the information you want to convey at a good pace. When the lights go down, the screen is the only visible area in the hall. There won’t be any disturbances from the sides of viewers. A Cinema advertising agency in India uses this chance to grab the untouched market. Thus, it increases the consumer base for brands.
However, in-cinema advertising could also use some offline modes of advertisements like distributing discount vouchers, samples, etc. to moviegoers. The impact of theatre advertising could be seen when after watching movies, brands products or services become part of the talks of customers. They will be able to recall brands whenever they come across their names again and again.