
Everyone is different and Clean Arabia allhave different motivators when it comes to keeping our homes clean. Some of uslove to clean and find it therapeutic, others want to get it done asquickly as possible and then there are those that hate it with apassion.
There are several cleaning personalities, here are just a few:
· The Deep Clean Machine. Deep Clean Machines really loveto get into the corners and those seldom-seen spaces and make themimmaculate. They pull out appliances and move furniture to make sure no stoneis left uncovered. Deep Clean Machine cleaners tackle this task at least twicea year and always before hosting company or planning a party.
· The Surface Scrubber. Surface Scrubbers will wipe down a counteror pick up clutter but never really delve into the deep scrub like the DeepClean Machines do. This type of cleaner lives off the philosophy that if theycan see it, they’ll clean it, otherwise a quick wipe-up will do. They cleanoften but rarely go beyond the surface.
· The Two- or Three-Room Master. This type of cleaner prioritizeswhich rooms need to be cleaned and every other space gets put on theback burner. Usually the Two- or Three-Room Master focuses on the kitchen,living room and bathroom or the rooms most lived-in and most likelyfor guests to see. Bedroom doors are closed andplayrooms blocked off, lending to an out-of-sight, out-of-mindmentality.
· The Procrastinator. It takes a lot to motivate the Procrastinator, usually a mess sobig that it can’t be ignored any longer. The Procrastinator would rather bedoing anything else besides cleaning. They opt to live with clutter and pilesrather than spend their family or play time scrubbing, dusting and vacuuming.