
InterventionalNeurology, also called Interventional Neurology, is a specialty of Radiology.It deals with using interventional techniques in addition to conventionalmethods in the treatment of neurological conditions. This type of medicine iswidely used for people who have suffered cerebrovascular ischemia, retinopathy,stroke, multiple sclerosis, or hemiplegia after an automobile accident. In thisbranch of medicine, the patient is often given interventional treatments thatare focused on correcting the problem. In the past, this branch of medicine hasfocused more on performing surgeries than performing procedures like steroidinjections.
Theprimary goal of treating stroke using interventional techniques is to reducethe effects of stroke on the functioning of the patient's body. Stroke is thenumber one cause of death in the United States. Treating stroke involves usingmedications that improve the patient's gait and speaking ability and movement,as well as, providing physical therapy to improve the patient's balance,coordination, reaction time, mental alertness, and ability to perform physicalactivities. Other techniques used in treating stroke include muscleconditioning and strength training, exercise and rehabilitation, speech andlanguage therapy, manual resistance training, nutritional counseling, vitaminsupplementation, and biofeedback. The majority of patients who have undergonetreatment from an interventional neuro-technology facility have shownsignificant improvement in their motor function and speech.
Today,modern advances have helped improve the outcome of many patients suffering fromvarious neurological diseases. New technologies like computed tomography (CT)scan, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner, ultrasound, orelectroencephalographs can help doctors diagnose the condition of a patient andtherefore plan an effective treatment. If an interventionalneurology specialist is unableto treat the disease due to some defect in the patient's nervous system, thenother methods like surgery, drug therapy, or deep brain stimulation can besuggested.
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