
After manufacturing a product, testing it is a must to ensure its longevity and intact performance in the long run. In several industries, including the medical industry, chemical and technology industries, military, aviation, and other similar industries, where the products go through significant environmental and mechanical changes every moment, environmental testing is a must for them.
In this guide, we have discussed environmental testing and its benefits. Read till the end if you are interested.
Environmental testing- what does it mean?
Right after manufacturing a product, the manufacturer cannot start to sell it in the market immediately. The product needs to go through many processes to be eligible for the use of customers. Among these processes, environmental testing ensures whether the product meets many different climatic standards. This process enables to mimic diverse environmental circumstances and mechanical stress a certain product generally undergoes throughout its entire lifespan. If the product overcomes all obstacles and environmental challenges produced in the lab, it is safe for the use of common people. This entire process is called environmental testing.
During environmental testing, a product must undergo many challenges simulated in a lab environment to ensure its reliability and strength in the long run. Among them, temperature testing, humidity testing, fall test, drop test, topple test, thermal shock test, vibration test, mechanical shock test, high voltage test, etc. are the commonest ones. Additionally, some products must undergo other tests, including- insulation resistance test, damp heat cyclic, rapid temperature cycle, low temperature, low cycle, dry heat cyclic, high temperature, and other similar tests.
For an environmental test, the environmental testing Labs in India generally ask for
Service manual, operation manual
General operation description & configuration of a product
Risk inspection file
Comprehensive technological specification
Why is environmental testing important?
As mentioned earlier, environmental testing comes with many inevitable consequences. Therefore, this process is a must, from ensuring the product's long life to examining its durability and strength. Here are some implications of environmental testing noted below.
Environmental testing ensures the quality and standard of the product by emulating similar diverse environmental circumstances and mechanical stress a certain product generally undergoes throughout its entire life.
This step assures the dependability and longevity of the product.
It helps to identify the weaknesses of the product or its design, thereby helping the manufacturer to work on the product.
Environment testing enables one to judge the potential reasons for a product's downfall.
Make sure to contact environmental testing labs for further info.
For these reasons, environmental testing has become an essential part of many industries, especially those undergoing various environmental exposures and changes, including aviation, military, marine, medical, chemical, technology, transportation, and more. Get in touch with a professional company for more information about environmental testing.
This article summarizes what environmental testing is and several significance of environmental testing.
SMSLA is a genuine and leading Indian environment testing lab, best known for providing 100% scientifically accurate results.