Ventilation Brisbane
What Are The Different Types Of VentilationSystems
For those looking to bring their new buildproject into reality as well as those wishing to improve on an existingproperty, ventilation systems play a critical role. Their importance rangesfrom ensuring safety in the incident of a fire to providing clean and fresh airfor the occupants to enjoy.
The applications of the different systemsare numerous and the amount of considerations to be taken into account is huge;it is therefore recommended that only the most experienced and well trained ofprofessional ventilation companies provide assistance on this matter before afinal choice is made.
A critical component of many buildings isthat of efficient smoke ventilation systems. The purpose of Smoke and HeatExhaust Ventilation (SHEV) systems is to draw toxic fumes and heat out of aburning building.
It is important that this system isdesigned to keep common spaces such as corridors, lobbies and stairwells freeof smoke so the occupants can evacuate the building quickly and efficiently andthat fire fighters have access to the source of the fire in order to extinguishit.
Smoke ventilation systems can be bothnatural and mechanical. Natural smoke ventilation systems are often the idealchoice if they can be built into the property at the outset. These systemsallow the creation of a rising thermal current which naturally draws risingsmoke, heat and poisonous gases from the building in the event of a fire.
As the timely opening of smoke vents isnecessary to maximise the efficiency and safety of the procedure, an automatedsystem is recommended by experts. As soon as smoke is detected, AutomaticOpening Vents (AOV) are activated meaning that smoke and heat flows in theright direction and out of the building.
In some cases, where the architecture of abuilding is not sufficient for the up-venting of smoke and heat, mechanicalventilation systems can be installed to ensure the safety of both buildingoccupants and those fighting the fire.
The main advantage of mechanicalventilation systems is that they are guaranteed to perform at a certain level,as they displace a known amount of air per minute at a consistent rate. Howeverthey can be costly and they may not always be suited to a building's aestheticintegrity.
However, mechanical ventilation systems are anexcellent choice for constructions such as car parks, where high velocity airjets in induction and impulse fans push large volumes of air, exhaust fumes orsmoke towards smoke extraction shafts. This option doesn't take up as muchspace without the need for extensive ducting, meaning more parking levels canbe constructed.
Tall buildings may also require theinstallation of mechanical ventilation systems as their structure does notcreate ideal conditions for natural ventilation. Examples include hospitals -where safety is of paramount importance - and premises such as hotels,multi-storey residences and shopping centres.
Finally, natural ventilations systems arebecoming an increasingly attractive method for ensuring a safe and healthyindoor climate. These are considerably more environmentally friendly that airconditioning units which can have a large carbon footprint.
Natural ventilation systems utilise theidea of natural pressure differences to move fresh air throughout buildings.These kinds of system use natural forces of wind and air buoyancy to draw freshair into buildings and expel stale air. This is important in removing odours,providing oxygen for respiration and increasing thermal comfort of thebuilding's occupants.
All these different ventilation systems have differentfunctions and applications, making each one suitable for situations whereanother may not provide the optimum solution. The exact system to be used alldepends on the building in question; its architecture, function and the levelof fire safety required all will play a major role in determining the rightventilation solution.
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