U.S. Medical foods are becoming more popular as people become more aware of clinical nutrition and chronic disease rates rise.
U.S. Medical foods are becoming more popular as people become more aware of clinical nutrition and chronic disease rates rise.
Medical foods are specific, medicinal substances specifically intended or recommended for use in certain medical settings, typically in conjunction with other therapies, in order to address a specific medical condition

Medical foods are specific, medicinal substancesspecifically intended or recommended for use in certain medical settings, typicallyin conjunction with other therapies, in order to address a specific medicalcondition, often in conjunction with pharmacological treatments. They areconsidered to be U.S. medical foods that meet the FDA (Food & DrugAdministration) standards. In general, most of them are used by those who wishto manage their diseases and conditions the natural way. Most of these foodsare a part of someone's life-long regimen of health management.

The statutory definition of U.S. medical foods has been proposed in 2021 by the Institute of Food Safety and AnimalNutrition (IFASAN). According to this statutory definition, a food that hasbeen cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and is intended fordirect consumption is considered as a dietary supplement. These products may beregulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration under the provisions of thedietary regulations.

The U.S. FDA is examining the scope of nutritionlabeling for U.S. medical foods that fall outside of the previously acceptedscope of acceptable labeling. Currently, only two substances are bannedoutright under the federal law. Other prohibitions include the production orpackaging of herbs, spices, and fermented or textured foods for consumption asspices, except where they are used in cooking and beverage preparation. Theyare also banned from being added to food products for people with specialdietary needs.

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