
Transform the healthcare industry via on-demand doctor app development
There is apopular quote that says “Doctors are next to God''. They play a pivotal role inhelping people to maintain their mental and physical health. The Covid-19pandemic has rapidly changed the functioning of the healthcare sector. Patientsare hesitant to visit crowded clinics and hospitals as they fear gettinginfected by the contagious virus. This has led to the emergence of popularonline doctor consultation apps like Apollo 247, 1mg, MediBuddy, MFine, Practo,Tata Health, and Zocdoc,
Hence, clever entrepreneurs can dominate the digitalhealthcare industry by establishing an Uber like app for Doctors in partnershipwith a competent app development company. Trained developers createstate-of-the-art Android and iOS appsfor doctors and patients.
Users book appointments with licensed healthcarespecialists via a modern web panel. A sturdy admin dashboard offers a real-timeoverview of the day-to-day business operations.
What are the fabulous features of an Uber for doctorsapp?
Availability of a variety of specialties - Patients can cure their differentdiseases and illnesses quickly by registering on an Uber for doctors app. Theycan consult cardiologists, dentists, dermatologists, gynaecologists,neurologists, obstetricians, paediatricians, and psychiatrists.
Sharing of digital prescriptions - Doctors will share e-prescriptions with the patients after the medical consultation (audio, text, and video). Thisis a viable alternative to cumbersome paperwork.
Monthly and yearly subscription plans - Patients can become premium members of an Uber like app for Doctors. They can purchase monthly and yearly subscription plans. There are 3 packages (couples, individual, and family).Members receive benefits like huge discounts, 24x7 consultation options, andpriority medical advice in case of emergencies.
Implementation of multi-layer security measures - More importance is given to the confidentiality and privacy of the data of doctors and patients. An app development company incorporates several security steps like anti-DDoSprotection, end-to-end encryption, firewall protection, multi-factorauthentication, and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).
Moreover, anUber for doctors app follows all the guidelines of the General Data ProtectionRegulation (GDPR), 2016 and the Health Insurance Portability and AccountabilityAct (HIPAA), 1996. Hence, valuable medical data never gets into the wronghands.
Wrapping Up
Undoubtedly,2021 is a bright period for the online healthcare industry. It will cross awhopping value of $201.24 billion. It will grow by a high annual rate of 9.79%.Further, positive trends like better Internet connectivity and increasingsmartphone usage will boost it to a bigger value of $483.75 billion in 2025.
Hence, this isa perfect time for aspiring entrepreneurs to offer high-quality healthcare forall by initiating on-demand doctor app development. A talented app development company will offer an ultra-modern Uber like app for doctors to fulfil all thebusiness objectives successfully.